DK Custom PROJECT TRI-GLIDE Report w/ Lots of Pics

Jun 15, 2013
Red Banks, MS
This 2014 Tri-Glide was purchased in May of 2014.


It now has close to 25k miles on it.

After it was purchased, no real thought was put into what would be done to it. Basically we took everything off the 2011 that we could and put in on the 2014.

The 2011 was a hodge-podge of mods, that were added along the way. Not saying that no thought was put into it...but to digress a bit-

In August of 2010 an F250 hit me on the interstate (going the wrong way). I came to a stop 300 feet down the road from where the truck abruptly separated me from my Ultra.

After 22 broken bones, 2 surgeries, 2 metal plates, many screws, & 4 months in bed, I was barely walking with a cane when I took a ride around the block on my Sportster in mid December. Took my first ride of 40 miles on the Sporty on December 30th.

I was way ahead of schedule in healing up, but the doctors all said, I would never have even 50% strength in my right foot or ankle.

No way I could ever ride a Touring bike, 2 up and fully loaded.

I was angry, I was embarrassed, but I realized for Mary and I to be able to travel together, I would need to get a Trike. That is how we came to buy the 2011 Tri-Glide (at what I felt was 20 years earlier than expected)

All that to say...

It took me well over a year of owning and riding the 2011 Tri-Glide before I finally came to peace about it...before I quit being embarrassed about being on a Trike and started enjoying it without reservation.

Since most of the mods done to the 2011 were during the time when I was NOT HAPPY about being on a trike, they were done with basic performance in mind, and with pure utility of our trips in mind. No real sitting down and looking at it as a canvas and what could be done to it.

This was replicated on the 2014.

You can see what all has been done to the 2014 at this thread-


So now we are sitting down, looking at the Tri-Glide, appreciating it, and viewing it as a canvas that we can really make into something fun, something that is more than just a utility touring machine, something cool.

We have done this with many 2 wheel bikes, and are excited about doing it with the Tri-Glide.

Many of the mods already done to it are staying, some will be tweaked, and there will be some that are totally new.

Here is what it looked like when we decided to make it our next Project.


We have already completed a couple of small mods to it, and there are many more coming.*

Some already in various stages of prototype testing, others still just on a sheet of paper, and others that we have not even thought of yet!

Right now our focus is in 6 areas-

Rider/Passenger Comfort
Looks (nothing radical, not show bike level, but a step up from where it is)

We have 5-10 hours a week budgeted to working on this.

As there are things to report I will be updating this thread.

It won't be a lightening fast transformation, but will hopefully be something significant over the next 4-6 months. :)

This 2014 Tri-Glide was purchased in May of 2014.


It now has close to 25k miles on it.

After it was purchased, no real thought was put into what would be done to it. Basically we took everything off the 2011 that we could and put in on the 2014.

The 2011 was a hodge-podge of mods, that were added along the way. Not saying that no thought was put into it...but to digress a bit-

In August of 2010 an F250 hit me on the interstate (going the wrong way). I came to a stop 300 feet down the road from where the truck abruptly separated me from my Ultra.

After 22 broken bones, 2 surgeries, 2 metal plates, many screws, & 4 months in bed, I was barely walking with a cane when I took a ride around the block on my Sportster in mid December. Took my first ride of 40 miles on the Sporty on December 30th.

I was way ahead of schedule in healing up, but the doctors all said, I would never have even 50% strength in my right foot or ankle.

No way I could ever ride a Touring bike, 2 up and fully loaded.

I was angry, I was embarrassed, but I realized for Mary and I to be able to travel together, I would need to get a Trike. That is how we came to buy the 2011 Tri-Glide (at what I felt was 20 years earlier than expected)

All that to say...

It took me well over a year of owning and riding the 2011 Tri-Glide before I finally came to peace about it...before I quit being embarrassed about being on a Trike and started enjoying it without reservation.

Since most of the mods done to the 2011 were during the time when I was NOT HAPPY about being on a trike, they were done with basic performance in mind, and with pure utility of our trips in mind. No real sitting down and looking at it as a canvas and what could be done to it.

This was replicated on the 2014.

You can see what all has been done to the 2014 at this thread-


So now we are sitting down, looking at the Tri-Glide, appreciating it, and viewing it as a canvas that we can really make into something fun, something that is more than just a utility touring machine, something cool.

We have done this with many 2 wheel bikes, and are excited about doing it with the Tri-Glide.

Many of the mods already done to it are staying, some will be tweaked, and there will be some that are totally new.

Here is what it looked like when we decided to make it our next Project.


We have already completed a couple of small mods to it, and there are many more coming.*

Some already in various stages of prototype testing, others still just on a sheet of paper, and others that we have not even thought of yet!

Right now our focus is in 6 areas-

Rider/Passenger Comfort
Looks (nothing radical, not show bike level, but a step up from where it is)

We have 5-10 hours a week budgeted to working on this.

As there are things to report I will be updating this thread.

It won't be a lightening fast transformation, but will hopefully be something significant over the next 4-6 months. :)


Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Psst*oil cooler*psst...
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Psst*oil cooler*psst...

Us too...we're making it up as we go. lol

Oil Cooler is coming along. We are doing baseline testing. Takes some time. For accurate testing we need to have a heat soaked engine to start with. Then about 1.5 hours riding for each configuration. And to have apples to apples comparison, ambient temps, wind & humidity need to be very close. Yesterday and today it was raining all day, so no testing.

Tomorrow raining so no testing.

Tuesday is looking dry and the right ambient temp, so we'll get another baseline in.

Can not wait. I am ready to take my 14 tri glide to the next level also. Jim

Yeah, we're pretty excited too! ThumbUp ThumbUp

Since we have so many things in the works, the mods that I list are not going to be in any apparent logical order.

Right now we have several big things we are working on, but there are no pictures/no final results yet, as we are still fabricating & testing.

But as we finish one of the items on the list, I will post it up.

Here is the first-

White LED Running Lights/Amber Turn Signal combo.

I did not think I would like these too much, but Devin was hot on the idea, so he wired some up.

Turned out to be a super easy install, and I REALLY LIKE THEM.

The White Lights really increase visibility, day and night, and the turn signals are just cool. I have gotten a ton of positive comments from everyone that's seen them.

Not much to see when their off-


Full Daylight & on- The pic does not do them justice...they pop pretty bright even in the daylight!


Semi-dark, you can see they really put out some light!


When the turn signal is activated they go from white to amber, and flash with the stock signal lights-


Wiring was a breeze. Taking the side cover/bracket off the top of the fork, the wires were right there (leading into the fairing).

We used some Posi-Taps (pic below) and it was literally less than 5 minutes per side to wire up.


I like this mod so much, I am going to do it on my Softail also..but I am going to Remove the stock turn signals and run just these.

That is something I'm still considering on the Tri-Glide also.


Us too...we're making it up as we go. lol

Oil Cooler is coming along. We are doing baseline testing. Takes some time. For accurate testing we need to have a heat soaked engine to start with. Then about 1.5 hours riding for each configuration. And to have apples to apples comparison, ambient temps, wind & humidity need to be very close. Yesterday and today it was raining all day, so no testing.

Tomorrow raining so no testing.

Tuesday is looking dry and the right ambient temp, so we'll get another baseline in.

Yeah, we're pretty excited too! ThumbUp ThumbUp


I completely understand.

Take all the time you need.

Just have it ready before spring.....:D
I am new to Trikes and Motorcycles in general. I chose a Trike because of physical limitations and the need/desire for the stability that a Trike afords over a 2-wheeler. And like you I was reluctant at first because of my perception that Trikes were viewed [by most] as glorified mobility assist vehicles for old farts.

But once I got past my own mis perceptions, made the purchase and started riding.....I realized just how comfortable, practical, chalenging, fun and COOL Trikes really are. I may be an "old fart", but I get thumbs up ThumbUp and smiles :) while out on the open road, and questions and compliments wherever I go by non enthusiasts as well as riders on 2 wheels.

I think the perceptions about Trikes are changing, and having someone with your expertise, and reputation customize a Trike will help to make Trikes just as envied as 2 wheelers are, and show the rest of us what CAN be done to personalize and customize our rides. So bring it! :D
I like the idea of the posi-taps, beats soldering and shrink tubing the wires. Will certainly get some of those for my next project. Thank you.
I am new to Trikes and Motorcycles in general. I chose a Trike because of physical limitations and the need/desire for the stability that a Trike afords over a 2-wheeler. And like you I was reluctant at first because of my perception that Trikes were viewed [by most] as glorified mobility assist vehicles for old farts.

But once I got past my own mis perceptions, made the purchase and started riding.....I realized just how comfortable, practical, chalenging, fun and COOL Trikes really are. I may be an "old fart", but I get thumbs up ThumbUp and smiles :) while out on the open road, and questions and compliments wherever I go by non enthusiasts as well as riders on 2 wheels.

I think the perceptions about Trikes are changing, and having someone with your expertise, and reputation customize a Trike will help to make Trikes just as envied as 2 wheelers are, and show the rest of us what CAN be done to personalize and customize our rides. So bring it! :D

Yeah, no doubt the perception is changing about trikes. It was mostly in my head, but there are still some old-timers that I ride/hang with that either feel "sorry" for me, or think I should "man-up". But after riding with me in the twisty's, they definitely have a new view of a trikes capabilities.


I am years past caring.

As you stated, I've also realized just how comfortable, practical, challenging, fun and COOL Trikes really are.

I like the idea of the posi-taps, beats soldering and shrink tubing the wires. Will certainly get some of those for my next project. Thank you.


We discovered those little gems a little over a year ago. They come in many sizes and configurations and they make life much easier! ThumbUp ThumbUp

One of the other things we have done with the Tri-Glide is experiment with the exhaust....A Lot!

On the headers we went with the Fuel Moto ceramic 2-1-2. We got a very definite Increase in power out of them. There was also a reduction in felt heat on the right hand side (no cat).

It was also nice that we were able to re-use the stock heat shields.

Where our real testing has been is in the slip-ons.

We've run the Rush, the Rineharts, some that we fabbed up ourselves, the Series E (SuperTrapp style) the V&H Twin Slash, and a few others.

All of the named above performed well, but the Series E was hands down the best performer in the low and mid range, and quite respectable up above 4500 RPM.

However, for me, they are just too quiet.

The slip-ons we fabbed up performed very well, almost as good as the Series E in low & mid range, and better at high RPM. However, they did NOT sound good, and did not look so great either.

Our latest experiment was sort of a wild hair...but it turned out to be a real winner...with a little surprise. lol

All we did was chop off the end of the slip-ons. This resulted in the tiny, but restrictive baffles being removed. (see vid below)

We left the sound batting in.

Installed some TTI's, and installed some sweet looking cosmetic tips.


The result was quite surprising.

I really like the sound and the look, the biggest surprise was the performance.

It was better than all the other slip-ons except the Series E in the low & mid, and only by a little.

On the top end it was better.

We had another surprise just a few days ago with these slip-ons. We made the video below at about 1500 miles after riding with these. We thought after 1500 miles if the batting had not come out, it was going to stay.


It has started coming out.

It has had no effect on performance. It has become a bit louder, but surprisingly the tone is still nice and mellow/deep.

Check out the vid below.

(once all the matting has blown out, we will make another video)

I'm pretty sure these are keepers.

I like the sound and looks, & the performance is great.

I've stopped looking.

Wow guys Steve at Fullsac has been doing the for along time now. Check out his site.
Not saying your idea is bad.
Kevin, what did you use for tips on the stock mufflers?

We got the American Custom tips & the Fullsac tips. The ones in the video are the Fullsac.

Wow guys Steve at Fullsac has been doing the for along time now. Check out his site.
Not saying your idea is bad.

Steve at Fullsac has Not been dong what we did. We used the Patented Thunder Torque Inserts, and there is a HUGE difference between the TTI's and the recore baffles that Fullsac and American Custom use. They look the same on the outside, but the power difference is substantial.

One of the other things we have done with the Tri-Glide is experiment with the exhaust....A Lot!

On the headers we went with the Fuel Moto ceramic 2-1-2. We got a very definite Increase in power out of them. There was also a reduction in felt heat on the right hand side (no cat).

It was also nice that we were able to re-use the stock heat shields.

Where our real testing has been is in the slip-ons.

We've run the Rush, the Rineharts, some that we fabbed up ourselves, the Series E (SuperTrapp style) the V&H Twin Slash, and a few others.

All of the named above performed well, but the Series E was hands down the best performer in the low and mid range, and quite respectable up above 4500 RPM.

However, for me, they are just too quiet.

The slip-ons we fabbed up performed very well, almost as good as the Series E in low & mid range, and better at high RPM. However, they did NOT sound good, and did not look so great either.

Our latest experiment was sort of a wild hair...but it turned out to be a real winner...with a little surprise. lol

All we did was chop off the end of the slip-ons. This resulted in the tiny, but restrictive baffles being removed. (see vid below)

We left the sound batting in.

Installed some TTI's, and installed some sweet looking cosmetic tips.


The result was quite surprising.

I really like the sound and the look, the biggest surprise was the performance.

It was better than all the other slip-ons except the Series E in the low & mid, and only by a little.

On the top end it was better.

We had another surprise just a few days ago with these slip-ons. We made the video below at about 1500 miles after riding with these. We thought after 1500 miles if the batting had not come out, it was going to stay.


It has started coming out.

It has had no effect on performance. It has become a bit louder, but surprisingly the tone is still nice and mellow/deep.

Check out the vid below.

(once all the matting has blown out, we will make another video)

I'm pretty sure these are keepers.

I like the sound and looks, & the performance is great.

I've stopped looking.


Those tips are exactly what mine look like.

It really surprises me that you hadn't already taken of the factory tips and taken out the factory baffles when you did the stage I upgrade.

- - - Updated - - -

Wow guys Steve at Fullsac has been doing the for along time now. Check out his site.
Not saying your idea is bad.

Should've read a little further....this was exactly what I did to mine.

FullSac baffles, and the tips.
Those tips are exactly what mine look like.

It really surprises me that you hadn't already taken of the factory tips and taken out the factory baffles when you did the stage I upgrade.

We have pulled the factory baffles on Sportys & replaced with TTI's for over 5 years with good results...done it on Dyna's for about the same time period.

Done it on Softails for about the last 3 years.

Here's a youtube from 4 years ago on a sporty, modifying the stock exhaust.

Here a more recent video, with a greatly improved mod of a stock exhaust.

Here's a 4 year old video of the TTI's in modded Rush Slip-ons.

That is what I ran in my 2011 for almost the entire time.

On the 2014 TG I have been testing out a huge variety of different slip-ons...finally decided to mod the stock exhaust...just for grins and giggles.

I did not expect that they would be better than the aftermarket slip-ons. Was a pleasant surprise.

We have also done this same mod on a 2014 Street Glide and and a 2013 Ultra, we did not use tips on either of them.

Sound is almost exactly the same, and the improvement in power is the same on the 2 wheelers, with no tips, as it has been on the TG with tips.


- - - Updated - - -

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Psst*oil cooler*psst...

Over the years we have had many ideas that we turned into prototypes and then tested...all of which we thought would do well...but alas, sometimes things just don't work how we thought they would and many an idea has ended up in the scrap metal bin.

Today we were doing our first big test on a new product (oil cooler for wetheads).

During the 60 mile test run (we had already done several baseline runs), I was getting more and more nervous that this prototype was not going to perform as expected. All kinds of thoughts swirling thru my head as I watched the miles click off.

At the appointed spot I pulled off the interstate, stopping on the off-ramp to take my measurements...

Then both hands when into the air as I yelled in victory!

I'm sure I looked like I was losing it to those passing by on the interstate. :icon_bowrofl:

But the results were far better than we imagined they would be.

We are STOKED!!! :)

And this is only step one, we have a few more improvements, and if they test out as well as this first test...We're gonna be pretty dadgum happy! :)

Hopefully we will be able to get a couple of confirmation runs done over the next week, if all goes well, I'll publish the results here.

We have pulled the factory baffles on Sportys & replaced with TTI's for over 5 years with good results...done it on Dyna's for about the same time period.

Done it on Softails for about the last 3 years.

Here's a youtube from 4 years ago on a sporty, modifying the stock exhaust.

Here a more recent video, with a greatly improved mod of a stock exhaust.

Here's a 4 year old video of the TTI's in modded Rush Slip-ons.

That is what I ran in my 2011 for almost the entire time.

On the 2014 TG I have been testing out a huge variety of different slip-ons...finally decided to mod the stock exhaust...just for grins and giggles.

I did not expect that they would be better than the aftermarket slip-ons. Was a pleasant surprise.

We have also done this same mod on a 2014 Street Glide and and a 2013 Ultra, we did not use tips on either of them.

Sound is almost exactly the same, and the improvement in power is the same on the 2 wheelers, with no tips, as it has been on the TG with tips.


- - - Updated - - -

Over the years we have had many ideas that we turned into prototypes and then tested...all of which we thought would do well...but alas, sometimes things just don't work how we thought they would and many an idea has ended up in the scrap metal bin.

Today we were doing our first big test on a new product (oil cooler for wetheads).

During the 60 mile test run (we had already done several baseline runs), I was getting more and more nervous that this prototype was not going to perform as expected. All kinds of thoughts swirling thru my head as I watched the miles click off.

At the appointed spot I pulled off the interstate, stopping on the off-ramp to take my measurements...

Then both hands when into the air as I yelled in victory!

I'm sure I looked like I was losing it to those passing by on the interstate. :icon_bowrofl:

But the results were far better than we imagined they would be.

We are STOKED!!! :)

And this is only step one, we have a few more improvements, and if they test out as well as this first test...We're gonna be pretty dadgum happy! :)

Hopefully we will be able to get a couple of confirmation runs done over the next week, if all goes well, I'll publish the results here.


Ah...didn't know that you were using slip ons.

That was what I was going to do, but the guy at the dealership recommended cutting off the original exhaust, putting in the new baffle and putting new tips on it.

I was WAY satisfied with the results...looks like you are too.

Oil cooler--glad to hear things are moving along so swimmingly. When the money gets saved up that's most likely going to be my next mod. I'll be waiting until you guys get yours perfected.
Kevin, have you ever done anything with the Vance & Hines Trike specific slip-ons?

We have a few Customers that have purchased them and seem to like them. We have not installed any, nor tested them at all.

Seems the main purpose for them is to get the tail end of the pipe up higher off the ground to reduce the possibility of scraping.

Performance and sound are similar to the Monster Ovals.

More Info HERE.

Still running test runs. Have close to a thousand miles now. Everything is looking real good. We have a few more tweaks and 4-5 more test runs to go.

In the meantime, we installed some Stealth LED Driving Lights.

We played around with a bunch of different location to put them.

Liked this spot the best-


Low and tucked in, but still room for adjustment up or down.


They are quite visible during the day...can see them a long way off.


We ran the wires along the engine guard, right next to the lower, then up the down-tube.

This keeps them pretty much inconspicuous, except upon close inspection.

Wiring was done, again, with Posi-Taps. Super easy, no cutting, splicing, soldering, etc., just screwed them onto the wire that was already feeding the factory Passing Lamps.

Here they are in the semi-dark.

They put out 700 Lumens each.


I am very happy with the look on the Trike, and even more so with how they perform.

A lot of my recent test runs have been at night, during traffic of folks going home from work.

So a lot of traffic.

Have not had a single vehicle flash their brights at me.

Even though they are putting out a lot of light, it is down low, and tilted slightly down. So it lights up the road without bothering oncoming traffic. They also have a nice spread to the side, helping me to keep an eye out for critters that may be venturing onto the road.

The other biggie is...for those that are riding with the factory LED headlight, you may have experienced the same thing I have....when on high beam there is a large dead spot that is not lit up well between the bike and where the high beam is lighting up the road. These lights do a much better job of filling in that dead spot than the factory passing lamps.

Here's a pic in my driveway, all lit up.

Low Beam Headlight
Passing Lamps with yellow film
Stock Turn Signals
LED White Running Lights/Amber Turn Signal Combo
LED Driving Lights


See & Be Seen! The light treatment up front is almost done.

Got one more thing we're working on.


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