My Daughter Danielle

Just added her to our churches prayer request board. Please let us know how she's doing later on Jack
Jack, prayers lifted for your daughter's healing and comfort and knowledge for you and yours that she is truly in God's healing hands.
My 17 year old beauty was taken from me in '93 in a car wreck. Cherish every second you get with her. Not a religious person, but you'll be in my thoughts.
Update, she is in her room, IV hooked up, she has a kidney blocked and a mass, The MRI wed will show more, Thank y'all
Jack, seems you've had more than your share of trials and tribulations. I'm praying for you and your family, especially for your daughters difficult challenges presently.
Today we saw the primary DR and got ALL the referrals needed, Wednesday she starts radiation, Thank y'all for your thoughts, Kind words and prayers It has been a long day today better days a comingThumbUp
Thank y'all, Back today for another check up, Dec 27th she starts chemo and radiation, her and the Mocking Jay as I call her will move in with us for 6 weeks so I can baby sit , yeah that's right. The Mocking Jay real name is Skye Denise, her middle name is my wife's first name she was born on Halloween 1 year ago and loves my putt putt