TrikeTalk Rally IV Snapshots


Bazooka had suggested that members should have the ability to tag their rally pictures so I created a universal picasa account and copied the original album to this new account. This will give others a chance to meet our new members!

New Link:

Or log in directly to picasa web with the following: ID: PASSWORD: maggie2011
This way, anyone can tag their pictures!
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I keep going back to the group photos like this one and smiling....... What a wonderful family reunion!!!!!

I keep going back to the group photos like this one and smiling....... What a wonderful family reunion!!!!!


Nana did you think way back that this was in the future? GREAT job THANK YOU
I keep going back to the group photos like this one and smiling....... What a wonderful family reunion!!!!!


Skuuter and I counted 157 Trikes & Bikes and 220 people, not counting those who were inside the museum. That's about four times last years attendance.
I think if there was 157 trikes & bikes with 220 people it would be easy to double it next year. look at the new members to TT in the last 4 mo. that had not heard of TT a year ago that can make plans for next year. I BE THERE
I keep going back to the group photos like this one and smiling....... What a wonderful family reunion!!!!!


Got to spend some time both with my new 'cousins' and my old ones - - had a ball! Many hugs to everyone who made our rally a wonderful one!!
I know that this is way off , but when and where is it going to be next year? That way I can go ahead and schedule my vacation time for it. Got called in at the last minute and wasn't able to make it this year...:banghead:
We are making some final determinations on host hotel locations (we have outgrown the one used this year by far!). I believe we will be able to stick to the 4th weekend in June, as we have the last two years, but that will also shortly be confirmed along with the hotel and campground information. Stay tuned :)