Recent content by Juju

  1. Juju

    Violent streak?

    I think I've detected a previously hidden violent streak in myself! Am I the only one who's having fun breaking the Christmas lights at the top of the forum screen? Somebody stop my reign of terror! :laugh:pepper:laugh:pepper:laugh:
  2. Juju

    Arrival days?

    When is everyone planning to arrive in MV, and how long are you all planning to stay? I've got us a reservation beginning on Thursday, but we don't want to miss anything!!!
  3. Juju

    Blue Ridge Parkway: need daily mileage advice

    After the rally, the Chief and I are going to extend our trip for a ride on up the Blue Ridge Parkway. We’ve been planning this for a while now, but we disagree on the daily mileage we should plan for. I’m thinking no more than 200, allowing for the slower speeds on the twisty BRP and my wish...
  4. Juju

    Bama/Buffett Ride, 22 April

    Today I went for a great ride with a bunch of two-wheel buddies. We first rode to the currently-being-renovated Floribama Lounge, so-named because it sits on the beach at the FL/AL state line. Great spot for "rehydrating," enjoying the beach, and listening to some music. After that we headed...
  5. Juju

    Florida Panhandle Ride

    Had a great day on the trike, with friends on their bikes, riding around the Florida panhandle. To Destin for brunch, then to the Outpost on Black Creek for drinks and bike-and-people-watching, then through the woods and back along the beach and bay to dinner. 200+ miles in the most delicious...
  6. Juju

    Need compact camera recommendations

    Can somebody recommend a good compact digital camera? One that's small and light, but that also allows some creative control (aperture, shutter speed, ISO)? And that also will fit into a jacket pocket when riding? I LOVE to take photos, and I really love taking photos on our rides. Or at least...
  7. Juju

    Must-see stuff on the Blue Ridge Parkway?

    If someone were traveling up the Blue Ridge Parkway, what site or attraction would you recommend we NOT MISS? The Chief and I will be heading on up the BRP after the Rally in the Valley in June. We'll be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this summer, so we've planned this ride to mark...
  8. Juju

    On the Road Again

    The Chief, that is. He took his first ride around the neighborhood two weeks ago, and has ridden the last two weekends--yay! His left foot still hasn't fully recovered from the foot drop problem but it's getting better (doc says may take a year for full recovery). So he reinstalled his heel...
  9. Juju

    Traveling with a laptop

    Do any of you carry a laptop on your trips? I'm thinking of getting a small Apple laptop or an iPad for our travels this summer and thinking that, other considerations aside, the iPad might fare better in my trunk because of its flash memory. Seems to me that it would endure the occasional...
  10. Juju

    Tortellini Sausage Soup Recipe--yum!

    Last night for supper, we had our first pot of Tortellini Sausage Soup of the season. This soup is the easiest, most delicious thing going when the weather cools off (which it finally did)! 1 pound hot (or mild) Italian sausage (if you use hot, you can leave out the garlic) 1 large onion...
  11. Juju

    The Chief's New Knee

    Earl had his new titanium and space-age ceramic knee installed on 31 August and he is now walking with only a crutch as an aid. Still on pain meds and ice, ice, ice. The surgery was routine and successful, but the Chief being who he is, he has a tendency to block pain meds, so the morphine he...
  12. Juju

    Is it just me?

    Or has the Chat Box disappeared? What's up with that? :confused::confused::confused:
  13. Juju

    New Knee for the Chief

    It's official--in late August, the Chief will get a brand new knee, courtesy of the U.S. Navy. Let's hear it for modern orthopedic medicine and the miracle of titanium! :yay: :yay: :yay:
  14. Juju

    Trike Talk Card

    Rob of RobandLyn made some beautiful cards for some of you, but I decided to go a different way with mine. Just wanting some opinions: what do you think of the color? How about the grunged-up border--too much? Arrangement of text? TIA for any input/suggestions! Trike Talk calling card on Flickr...
  15. Juju

    Trikes at Bike Week

    I just saw this photo of a few trikes at Bike Week 2010 in Daytona Beach. Are these anybody we know?