Prayers for Mom .... And Me

Dec 30, 2014
Grand Junction, Co. USA
So, mom went to bed around 8 pm last night, she had done the Walmart thing so she was very tired. I laid down around my normal 8:30, put the CPAP mask on and quickly fell asleep.

At 0036 (12:36 am), I woke to a slight banging sound. I also noticed the kitchen lights on. Hmmmm ... what the heck. It sounded like someone was rooting around in the kitchen. I threw my robe on and and started to the kitchen, turned around, grabbed my newest toy (the auto knife) and a flashlight and headed to see if Santa had "dropped" in. I've heard of Christmas in July, but, never May. What was weird, no dogs barking. Annabelle is a huge lover (120#), but, she's very protective, weird she wouldn't be barking or at least crying. Harley was sleeping peacefully in my bed.

So I cautiously went into the Kitchen. Annabelle greeted me with her normal b$tt wagging, She wags her tail but gets so excited, the whole rear end wags. So I headed to mom's bedroom. Nobody home. Looked all around the house and nada. Visions of my neighbor in Illinois who used to "disappear" for days on end and show up three states over (Alzheimer's). I looked out the window and mom's car was still there, some relief, at least she's not driving.

I was just about to dial 911, when I heard the banging sound again. I looked out the window at the top of the door and saw nothing, but, the porch light was on. I opened the door and mom was laying on the ground next to the steps. I opened the storm door and there were rocks all over the porch and I heard, "Thank God, I need help, be careful of the rocks."

I moved the rocks to the side, and went down the steps to see what happened. Apparently after she went to bed, she woke up and remembered that she had left the pork b$tt she bought in the cooler in her car. She went outside around 2100 (9 pm) to get it, and fell near her car, about 20 yards from the front steps, and couldn't get up. She b$tt walked (her words) into the yard from the driveway. She was unable to get up and had been sitting on the sidewalk at the bottom of the steps throwing rocks at the front door since just after 2100 to try to get Annabelle to bark. Amazingly, she throws like a girl, an older girl. Of course, she did not have her phone with her or her "emergency" pendant that she is supposed to have on her 24/7.

These are the rocks she had thrown, fortunately she didn't break the glass in the door and have glass rain down on her. We have a river rock front yard, dad hated mowing grass.


There are more in the crack between the door and the porch, I'll dig them out later.


This is were I found her ... if ya look close, you can see where her feet slid when she tried to get up with the help of the porch hand rail. I'm now really glad I had fortified the rail last summer and added two steps, not sure I could carry her up them when they were normal rise, now, kind of like climbing a ramp with bumps.


The good news, no bleeding, no broken bones and just a lot of bruising. The bad news, I need to make some decisions and so does she. She swore to me awhile back, last time she fell, that she would never be without the phone or the pendant again, but, she has said that before. She's also swore that she would never leave the house without letting me know, even if I'm out of town (She calls to tell me she's going shopping or outside to garden and then calls when she gets back in the house, if she doesn't call back when she said she'd be back, I call the nurse across the street to check on her) and she's been good about that part until last night. She didn't want to wake me. I took her to bed, and told her we'd talk after she got some rest ... I don't expect to see her until noonish. I had to basically carry her up the stairs and into her bedroom. She was worn out. Being 66 myself, made getting her there a lot tougher that I imagined. Maybe adrenaline was helping.

I checked on her this morning and she was sleeping soundly. I need to put some kind of plan in place that will prevent this happening again. We were lucky last night, as this could have been disastrous. She could have cut herself and bled to death, broke her leg and been outside all night ... any number of less than optimum outcomes. I don't really know what to do, I know she is very independent (down right pig headed and I want her to be happy) and getting her into assisted living would destroy her. On the flip side, I'm not sure I have the ability to take care of her. I plan to look into some help dealing with her. As you can imagine, she's mom and I do love her ... she put up with me all these years and trust me, I was no picnic. Not to mention, I made Dad a promise on his death bed to take care of her. Maybe I can find some help that will take a little stress off of me and ensure she has what she needs. She was doing really well with her new therapy sessions (getting stronger and her balance was really improving) then the Chinese virus thing started and they put the sessions off as non essential, I would disagree, but, I don't get to make that decision.

The sad part, I don't really want to have this conversation this close to Mother's Day. She loves to garden and grow flowers and vegetables. I have hen and chicks, six types of tomatoes, some flowering plants and several kitchen gadgets she's ogled over on QVC for her tomorrow and was looking forward to cooking her a smoked b$tt on that special day.

Please, any prayers or advice will be greatly appreciated.
Good to hear she is fine. Seems like she kept herself under control. It's a life style change for both of you.

You both are in our Prayers. Stay Safe.
Maybe you could make an evening habit of “yanking her chain”.... that is, make sure she has the “help summon” button around her neck by giving it a gentle tug before she retires for the night.
So, mom went to bed around 8 pm last night, she had done the Walmart thing so she was very tired. I laid down around my normal 8:30, put the CPAP mask on and quickly fell asleep.

At 0036 (12:36 am), I woke to a slight banging sound. I also noticed the kitchen lights on. Hmmmm ... what the heck. It sounded like someone was rooting around in the kitchen. I threw my robe on and and started to the kitchen, turned around, grabbed my newest toy (the auto knife) and a flashlight and headed to see if Santa had "dropped" in. I've heard of Christmas in July, but, never May. What was weird, no dogs barking. Annabelle is a huge lover (120#), but, she's very protective, weird she wouldn't be barking or at least crying. Harley was sleeping peacefully in my bed.

So I cautiously went into the Kitchen. Annabelle greeted me with her normal b$tt wagging, She wags her tail but gets so excited, the whole rear end wags. So I headed to mom's bedroom. Nobody home. Looked all around the house and nada. Visions of my neighbor in Illinois who used to "disappear" for days on end and show up three states over (Alzheimer's). I looked out the window and mom's car was still there, some relief, at least she's not driving.

I was just about to dial 911, when I heard the banging sound again. I looked out the window at the top of the door and saw nothing, but, the porch light was on. I opened the door and mom was laying on the ground next to the steps. I opened the storm door and there were rocks all over the porch and I heard, "Thank God, I need help, be careful of the rocks."

I moved the rocks to the side, and went down the steps to see what happened. Apparently after she went to bed, she woke up and remembered that she had left the pork b$tt she bought in the cooler in her car. She went outside around 2100 (9 pm) to get it, and fell near her car, about 20 yards from the front steps, and couldn't get up. She b$tt walked (her words) into the yard from the driveway. She was unable to get up and had been sitting on the sidewalk at the bottom of the steps throwing rocks at the front door since just after 2100 to try to get Annabelle to bark. Amazingly, she throws like a girl, an older girl. Of course, she did not have her phone with her or her "emergency" pendant that she is supposed to have on her 24/7.

These are the rocks she had thrown, fortunately she didn't break the glass in the door and have glass rain down on her. We have a river rock front yard, dad hated mowing grass.

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There are more in the crack between the door and the porch, I'll dig them out later.

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This is were I found her ... if ya look close, you can see where her feet slid when she tried to get up with the help of the porch hand rail. I'm now really glad I had fortified the rail last summer and added two steps, not sure I could carry her up them when they were normal rise, now, kind of like climbing a ramp with bumps.

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The good news, no bleeding, no broken bones and just a lot of bruising. The bad news, I need to make some decisions and so does she. She swore to me awhile back, last time she fell, that she would never be without the phone or the pendant again, but, she has said that before. She's also swore that she would never leave the house without letting me know, even if I'm out of town (She calls to tell me she's going shopping or outside to garden and then calls when she gets back in the house, if she doesn't call back when she said she'd be back, I call the nurse across the street to check on her) and she's been good about that part until last night. She didn't want to wake me. I took her to bed, and told her we'd talk after she got some rest ... I don't expect to see her until noonish. I had to basically carry her up the stairs and into her bedroom. She was worn out. Being 66 myself, made getting her there a lot tougher that I imagined. Maybe adrenaline was helping.

I checked on her this morning and she was sleeping soundly. I need to put some kind of plan in place that will prevent this happening again. We were lucky last night, as this could have been disastrous. She could have cut herself and bled to death, broke her leg and been outside all night ... any number of less than optimum outcomes. I don't really know what to do, I know she is very independent (down right pig headed and I want her to be happy) and getting her into assisted living would destroy her. On the flip side, I'm not sure I have the ability to take care of her. I plan to look into some help dealing with her. As you can imagine, she's mom and I do love her ... she put up with me all these years and trust me, I was no picnic. Not to mention, I made Dad a promise on his death bed to take care of her. Maybe I can find some help that will take a little stress off of me and ensure she has what she needs. She was doing really well with her new therapy sessions (getting stronger and her balance was really improving) then the Chinese virus thing started and they put the sessions off as non essential, I would disagree, but, I don't get to make that decision.

The sad part, I don't really want to have this conversation this close to Mother's Day. She loves to garden and grow flowers and vegetables. I have hen and chicks, six types of tomatoes, some flowering plants and several kitchen gadgets she's ogled over on QVC for her tomorrow and was looking forward to cooking her a smoked b$tt on that special day.

Please, any prayers or advice will be greatly appreciated.

Realistically, If you can get someone in to spend a few hours a day to keep your Mom company...... That would take the stress off a little....But , And that's a big but, If Moms as independent as you say it would have to be someone who's more like a friend than a healthcare worker......
prayers on the way. My wife and I sold our house and moved in with my 90 yr old aunt to take care of her. she is diabetic hard of hearing and almost blind BUT very independent Loves to argue about anything and everything drives my wife nuts. her grand daughter lives next door and tried to do it and raise her 2 family and got overwhelmed. Wife and I promised my aunt we would not let her go to a home but it is very hard somedays things will work out for you have faith
Maybe you could rig up an alarm siren that goes off in your bedroom when the doors are opened that you would arm before you go to bed each night.

You and your mom are in my prayers. I hope she has a good day tomorrow.
Little Update

Mom slept until 4 pm. When she finally woke, she needed help getting up. I suggested a shower to help loosen up the muscles. I put the shower chair in and she did the "French Phone" shower for quite awhile, like until the hot water ran out. She was able to get around much better after that.

I made her a grilled cheese and ham panini with some split pea soap left over from awhile back I had frozen. She ate it all and said she needed more rest. She's sleeping again.

Meanwhile, I brined a 4.4# pork b$tt this morning and just put it on the smoker. I'm guessing sometime around 3 or 4 tomorrow it will be ready.Not sure what I'm gonna make with it, but, I've got 10# of potatoes ... maybe smoked potatoes and herbs ... we'll see.

I've decided to put off the "talk" until after Mother's Day. Might be a "cop out", but, I'm not looking forward to it.
Alan, you and your mom are in our prayers.

You asked for advice...not sure I have any, other than this is life/death serious. (which I'm guessing you already know)

My grandmother, who was very strong at 86, still drove, of sound mind, lived on her own, slipped and fell in her kitchen. Broke her hip and could not move. She laid there for 3 days before she was discovered. She lived another week in the hospital, but passed due to pneumonia while trying to recover in the hospital.

It was devastating.

An emergency pendant would have changed the outcome.

Alan, continued prayers for you and your mother. My father (88 yrs) was living alone we all thought he shouldn't have been but.... I found him on the floor one evening, it appeared he had been there since breakfast. His diabetes was all messed up. Took him by ambulance he spent a few days in the hospital. Then a Dr. told him he could no longer stay alone. That part was a blessing, He didn't have to make that decision and neither did I or my siblings. He picked the place he wanted to go and he has been very happy there since. We were lucky things worked out the way they did. God Bless.
Oh man, prayers for sure. We have experienced the same with the mother in law. Every emergency tool available, she just doesn’t think about it. At present one of her daughters is there every night. Wishing you the best during this adventure.
Maybe you could make an evening habit of “yanking her chain”.... that is, make sure she has the “help summon” button around her neck by giving it a gentle tug before she retires for the night.

She has a Life Alert ... but ... I can only bring the horse to water ... but ... I can't make her drink ... :Shrug: ... I wonder ... ya think she'd mind if I put the necklace around her neck, then pulled it snug and locked it with a lead able clamp???? It is water proof.

Basically that was what i was suggesting .. that you make sure she has it on every night..or all the time. Did not know they are waterproof..maybe there is a way to secure it (no, not choking) so that she cannot remove it herself.
Basically that was what i was suggesting .. that you make sure she has it on every night..or all the time. Did not know they are waterproof..maybe there is a way to secure it (no, not choking) so that she cannot remove it herself.

Well the problem with that is that she does need to remove it to charge it at least every five days. Not sure what the solution will be ... unless it's that I just "babysit" her 24/7, of course, she had gone to bed then after I was asleep, went out and fell. I'm too old to not sleep ... ever :AGGHH:
Well the problem with that is that she does need to remove it to charge it at least every five days. Not sure what the solution will be ... unless it's that I just "babysit" her 24/7, of course, she had gone to bed then after I was asleep, went out and fell. I'm too old to not sleep ... ever :AGGHH:

I feel for you....My Father lived with My Wife and Me....I have a two family house and he lived down stairs....So as he was getting near the end he was 88..[My Mother past 15 years earlier]We rigged a phone so if he needed any thing all he had to do was pick up the receiver and our phone would ring up stairs....That worked well for over a year, Then one night he he got up to get something in his kitchen and didn't want to wake us, He fell down and hit his face on the kitchen counter ....Went back to bed still not calling us, When i went down to check on him like i always did at 6 am...There was blood all over the floor from the kitchen to the bedroom, And his bed was soaked in blood' When i ask why didn't you call us..He said i didn't want to bother you.....

He spent a week in the hospital , But he was never the same, He passed a short time latter from congestive heart failure.....When they get older they get stubborn...I'll probably be the same way a few years from now ......

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