Fog Lamps


Contributing Member
The fog lamps only work on low beam, on high the are off. Is this correct? Is there a simple way to make them stay on all the time? I like to run in daytime on high beams, and it would be nice to have the fog lights on as well.

That is correct. Read though the posts I do not remember where but I did read a post where the guy did what you want. If I remember something involving the jumping of fuses and the reworking of the switch. Ted
A better fix is the modulating headlights. Very effective in getting you seen in the daytime. See other posts, and video on this. Welcome abord. Im me and lets go riding, I think you live close.
I have installed a modulator on my Vulcan, so I am sure i could do it on the Stallion as well. I just need to check the type of lights, nothing in the owners manual. I also read HID lights will not modulate, not sure if that is the kind we have or not. Vin # 580 2009.

I am 3 hours away, near Charleston, but would love to hook up and ride sometime once my son is out of school, plus look at some of your mods.
The bulb in the low beam in head light set up is an H-11 I believe. Ted
OK I have read nearly every post and I cannot find where it is described how to make the fog lights and the headlights come on with the key. Based on my reading it has been accomplished, but please give a few more details. Also I would like the fog lights to stay on High or low beam. Thanks for the help.
I had my lights modified to turn on & off with key. That way, wont leave lights on accidentally.
Mine was done by Ford dealer service. They had to disconnect the switch from constant on power. dont know details on how. Then a fusable link was used to connect two terminals on fuse box under seat.
My advice, have a good auto electrical tech do the mod.
Mine was 2-3 hrs labor, cost $200.
OK I have read nearly every post and I cannot find where it is described how to make the fog lights and the headlights come on with the key. Based on my reading it has been accomplished, but please give a few more details. Also I would like the fog lights to stay on High or low beam. Thanks for the help.

Before proceeding, I recommend that you check your state laws and motor vehicle regulations. I believe that in many if not most states it is illegal to burn fog lamps with high beam headlamps turned on. Having said that, it would probably be counter-productive to do so as the light patterns would conflict and diminish effectiveness. Some (perhaps most) states forbid the use of fog lamps in other than foggy conditions.

Point taken, SC law seems silent on the issue except no more that 2 and the height about ground. I am mainly using them for daytime running, it would be a good idea to be able to turn them off at night.

SC don't got too many rules that's why we are some of the worst drivers in the nation.

I have purchased a modulator what will also make the high beam burn at half strength on the low beam setting, an as all modulators it shuts off at dark.

If there was a way to make the lights only work when the key is on, then you could leave them switched on all the time. Turn off if needed or switch the fog on and off.

This is my goal, to make them only work with the Key, SC law requires the lights to be on.
OK I admit I am a dummy. on the 2009 the low beam lights do come on when the key is on. I guess I never checked it on the 2009 and only looked at a 2008 which we demo.

Yesterday i asked my wife to pull up a foot of so so i could get to the valve stem, she cranked lights came on she moved turned off the lights went off. I thought boy she takes that headlight law serious. Then this Am I backed out of the garage and say the lights shining on the wall, looked down the switch was off:confused:, so I am a dummy for looking for a solution to something that is not a problem

So after asking all these questions it is not really an issue, sorry. I will post this in the 2009 differences as well.
Lunchbox. ALL motorcycles by federal law are required to burn a running light all the time. Your Stallion is wired so that when the key goes on the low beam comes on. To me it appears that it burns slightly dimmer, but I do not know that for a fact. While the trike is running if you turn the light switch on it appears to be the low beams gets slightly brighter. At least to me. Then you have you high beam that works off the stalk switch. Then you have your driving lights besides. The driving lights will only work with the low beam. if you have them on and select high beam the driving lights go out. Ted
Lunchbox. ALL motorcycles by federal law are required to burn a running light all the time. Your Stallion is wired so that when the key goes on the low beam comes on. To me it appears that it burns slightly dimmer, but I do not know that for a fact. While the trike is running if you turn the light switch on it appears to be the low beams gets slightly brighter. At least to me. Then you have you high beam that works off the stalk switch. Then you have your driving lights besides. The driving lights will only work with the low beam. if you have them on and select high beam the driving lights go out. Ted

The low beam headlamps on all motorcycles offered for sale (new) in the United States for the last umpteen years do come on when the ignition switch is in the "run" position. I believe however that this is by agreement of the manufacturers rather than law or regulation. I believe that federal regulations do however prohibit the use of fog lamps (1) when fog is not present and (2) in conjunction with high beam headlamps. Someone please correct me if I am mistaken. I am working from memory and it isn't what it used to be.
Ben, It is law not an agreement for a running light on motorcycles. It is incorperated in all state statutes by direction of the DOT just like all road signs etc for uniformity on these saftey related issues. Now fog lights on at the same time is different via state. In Florida you can not show more than 4 lights on the front at a time and if they are brights they must be dimmed to on coming traffic. You can have a dozen across your roof you just can not have more than 4 total lights on at a given time. Ted
Ben, It is law not an agreement for a running light on motorcycles. It is incorperated in all state statutes by direction of the DOT just like all road signs etc for uniformity on these saftey related issues. Now fog lights on at the same time is different via state. In Florida you can not show more than 4 lights on the front at a time and if they are brights they must be dimmed to on coming traffic. You can have a dozen across your roof you just can not have more than 4 total lights on at a given time. Ted

Thanks Ted, I know that originally motorcycles for sale in the US had the low beam wired to the run position on the ignition switch by agreement between the manufacturers and that the AMA went on record against DRL because it adversely affects motorcycle conspicuity. I was not aware that a federal regulation is now in effect and have not been able find it. Can you cite the CFR #? Thanks.

I may have been thinking of commercial vehicles with respect to running fog lamps when it is not foggy or when high beams are in operation. Nevertheless, it is in my opinion both rude to other motorists and counterproductive to burn them when not needed. Likewise, driving lamps should be used when needed and when they do not adversely affect other motorists. If one wants more light for conspicuity, driving lamps aimed low should be no problem except when following or meeting other motorists.
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All I know is the 2008 demo we tested the lights did not work with the key so I assumed that was true for all Stallions. There are several posts on here about people making modifactions to fix that problem on their stallions as well. The 2009 we own the lights do work just like a motorcycle.
All I know is the 2008 demo we tested the lights did not work with the key so I assumed that was true for all Stallions. There are several posts on here about people making modifactions to fix that problem on their stallions as well. The 2009 we own the lights do work just like a motorcycle.

That being the case, that specific Stallion was in violation of law, per Tmigala. <g>
Don't read more into this then what the law says. The law says there must be a headlight showing on the front of a motorcycle when it is in operation. That's how it's written in Florida. Now most manufactors have the bike wired for the low beam to come on with the key. They don't have to I believe, but because all states require it by statute as far as I know, they do it. And I believe most states adopted and made a statute was at the bequest of the FEDS. Now was that by CFR I do not know.

Now that DEMO that was ridden that it did not, remember you said it was a DEMO. It may have been broke. As far as I know TBMS made all Stallions with a key operated running light. I've driven Unit # 055 (Demo pre production) Unit #104 (Demo pre-Delivery), owned Unit 175 and Unit 406. They all had key operated running lights.


I respect your opinion about the fog lights, but I will disagree, using as much light in the DAYTIME on a Trike or Bike helps granny to see you. I ride with my high beams and running lights on my Vulcan, if I am in a group and not the ride captain I will go to low beams. But when alone or the ride captain I am always putting out as much light front and rear as I can, I see is as a safety issue.

At NIGHT I turn off the fogs and use the high & low beams as necessary.

I respect your opinion about the fog lights, but I will disagree, using as much light in the DAYTIME on a Trike or Bike helps granny to see you. I ride with my high beams and running lights on my Vulcan, if I am in a group and not the ride captain I will go to low beams. But when alone or the ride captain I am always putting out as much light front and rear as I can, I see is as a safety issue.

At NIGHT I turn off the fogs and use the high & low beams as necessary.

I very definitely agree that the more light the better so long as it doesn't blind other motorists. The light pattern of fog lamps, when properly aimed (for fog penetration) can be very irritating to other motorists and in some cases irritating. Think of it in the same way as the guy who blasts you with high beams at night and/or ask a professional over the road truck operator. There's a difference (in my opinion) between providing conspicuity and blinding other motorists that is easy to achieve.

I'm still looking for teh CFR references to lamps.