Greetings from an Arizona Gimp

Greetings from Arizona Gimp. I refer to myself using the word gimp because my grandfather (who also had multiple sclerosis) used to call himself that. In no way do i find it offensive and I hope it doesn't offend anybody else. I think it's a great idea that we have this form to discuss subjects that are important to us. As a Harley-Davidson V-rod trike owner I look forward to getting to know you guys as well.
Welcome to the website from the U P of Michigan. It sounds to me like you are a down to earth person and I like that. I also am a "gimp" and said so many years ago while helping my son in law build his garage; not too bad for two barbarians and a gimp. (He an a friend helped) . There is a thread here just for disabled trike riders if you are interested, ride safe.
Greetings from another AZ Gimp. I'm over in Mesa and just dropped the TG off yesterday for it's 20,000 service. Had her since August. Happy trails!!
Gimp in training here. :wave4: If your ever down Tucson way give me a shout to hook up for a ride.
I guess I'd consider myself a Gimp triker. I think that's an acronym for Gutsy, Intensely Motivated Person. A friend suggested I start a riding group and call it "chumps on stumps."