Renegade Trikes

I wanted to say hi to Trike Talk members! We here at Renegade Trikes became a sponsor a month ago. We hope to make connections with the members and non-members of this forum and to offer any knowledge we have to help those who need it.

My name is Chris and I will be the one posting on behalf of our company. Some of you guys may remember me from about a month ago posting up here and there. I just got back from my mission trip and ready to jump back into talking with you guys!

If anyone has questions, especially ones about Renegade and Ecstasy trikes, just message me or ask on the forum! Will be more than happy to help!

Thanks and see you guys on the forum!
Eh Welcome back ....

You guys have been around a long time and build a great machine.
Welcome aboard Chris. Tell us more about your mission trip and more about Renegade Trikes when you get a chance.
Hi Chris. It's great to have another quality company sponsor! We look forward to hearing from you often :D
Welcome Chris glad you joined us.Thanks for your sponsership.I have heard a lot of good things about your products.
Lou Ann and I will be visiting Renegade Trikes on the 16th of this month to probably order a new one. All depends on what we see and how much we like the Renegade.
WELCOME to TRIKE TALK.....Another QUALITY COMPANY...Super Glad You're Here.....pepper pepper pepper