Brake Dust

Oct 30, 2010
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Tampa, FL
Is anyone else experiencing excessive brake dust on the front wheel? I need to clean my wheel every few days, if I'm riding allot, in order to keep the chrome nice and shiny. For those of us that have replaced pads on the front already, have you noticed any change? I haven't, but curious if certain manufactures of pads are "cleaner" than others.
Dean, I got rid of all that dust when I changed over to the NAPA brake pads, front and rear !!! I thought I already told you ??

I'm looking to get a chrome front wheel, thought I would be easier to clean. Is the brake dust a problem? Or, more or less of a problem than the aluminum wheel? Chrome really dresses it out.....
GL 1800 Hannigan:
Haven't really noticed break dust on the front chrome rim, but my rear chrome rims will discolored with long stop and go riding. I use a mag wheel cleaner and wash the dust away. I use it on the front and rear wheels.


From NH
PAM is to be used in a frying pan and not on car or motorcycle parts !!!! All the road dirt/dust will stick to the PAM and now you get a bigger mess. They used to tell you to spray the front of the cars here in Florida for the love-bug season until they found out that the PAM did more damage to the paint than the bugs did. Have fun is you use it !!!

Something else that works real good is Eagle One Aluminum wheel cleaner that I use and it also helps keep the rim from building up dust.
