Mitzi's Mom Passed

Big Dog

Contributing Member
On 10/4, unexpectedly Mitzi and Skutter got some very unwanted news. I know how they are hurting, and can only offer my prayers and thoughts. Let's all say a prayer for our great friends!!!
So sorry to hear the sad news. You know we are thinking of you and hope our support will help. Keep good memories.
Mitzi and Skuut sorry for your lose. MJ and I have your family in our prayers
It always hurts to hear when friends have suffers such a loss. I'm so sorry Mitzi!!! I know Skuuter is holding your hand but know that we are also thinking of you.
Many, Many Heart felt THANK YOUs to ALL of You...this was a very unexpected shock to all of us here....Mitzie lost an Aunt, Brother, and Her Mom within a span of about 15 weeks.....we ended the year with my Mom completely bed-ridden in a Nursing Home, Mitzie took a job with Home Depot due to Her previous Employer, QUIK MART, of 19 years having to drop Their Family Health Insurance because of the "Affordable Care Act"....2013 was a really tough year for us....Hoping 2014 goes a little better.....only God knows what's in store next.....ThumbUp :)
Mitzi, so sorry about your Mom's passing. I just lost my Mom just a short time ago and even though i know she is in a better place it is hard realizing that i will never see her again. just remember you can always talk to your mom thru prayers or by just asking her for help in the making of decisions for you and your family, she will be there for you when you need her.