every day

Hey Blueystar, just keep coming back. It's winter here and not a lot of ridin going on. Where I come from in Illinois it has been the coldest I can remember. Earlier in the week it was -11 with a wind chill factor of -34 to -45 Fahrenheit. Couldn't stay outside very long. Then when it starts to warm up we got ice and slush. It froze and got a foot of snow on top of it. This winter hasn't been the greatest for weather. But one of the best things is, your still checking in. Have a great day.pepper
Over here we are copping the heat they saying it going to be about 45c tomorrow don't know what that is in your temp scale so be staying in doors myself don't want to get cooked
I can see why you would want to stay inside. The conversion is 45c = 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Very hot, don't know what the humidity is like, but I know I'd be looking for air conditioning. Stay cool my friend.
No A/C? Sounds like time for a trike ride to cool down. A water bottle to spritz with and it will be just like A/C.
Might be the go but there be no cool air for the vw trike there lot of cars park on the side of the road with their bonnet up I think the yanks call it a hood
What with the heat now we have bush fires in the hills out side the city they say about 20 homes are gone more to come
here in mo. rode jan 1 for 26miles at 34 degrees for snow balls ride. good weather yesterday. about 50 degrees and sunny. got about 85 miles in and a good Cajun meal with great friends. summers comin!ThumbUp