Life coming back to me again

Greetings everyone,

This weekend my wife brought me back home to North Dakota from the Mayo medical facilities in Rochester, MN. I have spent 25 days hospitalized between Fargo ND and Rochester since March 1.
I began experiencing serious respiratory distress, had a lung resection biopsy on Mar 4 and on March 20 Jet ambulanced to Mayo in ICU. My lungs were full of nodules that were preventing me from absorbing and oxygen into my blood.

Two weeks ago this morning the doctors told my wife to call family and have them there because if I got any worse I would go on a ventilator and all they could do was make me comfortable. I was semi conscious through this was feeling like I was suffocating because my lungs were so bad.

The Mayo Medical staff had only very preliminary pathology data back from the lab but felt the only thing they could was introduce a ultra high dosage of steroids to possibly reduce the swollen nodules in my lungs. This is a standard part of chemo therapy they were told and the only chance for me condition. That treatment was started two weeks ago this morning. By that same evening they were seeing some slow but steady relief in my respiratory distress. My wife, my four children, one grandson and all four of my siblings were there and I could feel their presence even though I could not communicate with them. In my mind as I lay there I fought for each breath I was saying my good bye to each and every one of them, still too vivid a memory.

Early Monday morning two weeks ago tomorrow I was stable enough to be sent out for a pet scan to determine if there was any cancer showing up anywhere else in my body. That test showed that it was contained in my lungs. A bone marrow test was performed several days later and that also came back clear.

I was transferred out of icu to a standard hospital setting on March 25th and a CT scan showed significant reduction in the swollen nodules. I was completely off oxygen this past Monday. Pathology was still performing tests on my lung tissue including gene split analysis of some type.

I was able to be discharged from in-patient status on Apr 2 with a Dr appointment scheduled Friday Apr 4 to begin treatment planning. That morning I was given the final pathology results of Stage 4 T-cell Lymphoma. We are in the process of getting the first Chemo treatment scheduled this next week.

We left Rochester on the heals of the this last snow storm but my wife and I arrived back home safely Friday evening.

I am happy today that except for being quite weak due to the significant muscle loss I am up and around and feeling very alive.

I cannot express my awe over how comprehensive and coordinated an organization the Mayo group is!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I just need to get my strength back to the gas in the trike doesn't get stale on me.

God bless you all for listening because I just felt a need to share this today.
WOW! You and your family have all been through a terrible experience! Thank God you are breathing more easily. I will definitely be including you on my prayer list. God bless!
Incredible story, you've really got the determination to stay in the game.

What struck me most deeply was that you had less concern for your own life than for the family members gathered around you. I'll bet you tell them every day how much they mean to you.
ThumbUp,,,Sky boss not ready for you ,,,still got work to do here . Take care of yourself , and I'm sure without saying be very thankful . I would imagine there's nothing like a second chance , live it to the fullest .ThumbUp
Yes, a very incredible story. I'm so happy for you and your loved ones. Prayers will be sent for a speedy and permanent recovery!!!! ThumbUp
Good thoughts go out to you and, as you said, "May the gas NOT grow stale in your trike!"

Take care and keep up the good spirits.ThumbUp
I would like to offer my sincere prayers for your recovery!
I know what it's like to be in your shoes.
Thank-you to everyone for you concern and positive comments.. It's been a very busy time since I posted last. I met with an oncologist at the Roger Maris cancer center in Fargo, ND on Apr 8th and started my first five day chemo series on the 9th. That knocked my system for a loop and I was back in the hospital for three days and 4 unit of blood. Been feeling much better again now. Next chemo series starts on the 30th. I go back to Mayo on May 13th for tests to see how the treatments are doing and see if the treatment plan needs to be revised. My wife and are just taking this one day at a time and enjoying the fact we have the opportunity to do that,
God bless all my fellow trikers out there and enjoy every day as if it could be your last.
Dave my prayers are with you. I know what this is like for your family as Charles ( Charley ) had to have 1/2 of a lung removed due to tuberculosis. Prayers to your family as well. Becky
I just got back from Rochester two days ago where they did a Pet Scan and blood work to get an idea what kind of progress I've made with the first two series of chemo behind me. The scan done on March 24th showed my lungs all white with cancer cells and the scan from this week shows them clear so the chemo treatments are working well. Four more chemo series to go, one every three weeks. It's been suggested I consider going through a stem cell transplant once the chemo is done but there are a lot of things to research before I decide to proceed with that. For now I'm gaining back my strength to some degree and excited with this past weeks news.
Dave - somehow I missed your post until now. Glad to hear things are improving. Although mine was a different form, stage 4 is no fun. This July, I'll have 3 years since all the chemo stuff and a stem cell transplant. Everything continues "clear" so far. If the stem cell transplant is recommended for your situation, go for it.

Prayers and best wishes for continued improvement - God Bless!
Thanks for the comments regarding your treatment. We're having a lot of dialog at home as we go through all the information the Mayo Clinic sent home with us on the stem cell transplant procedure. If all goes as currently planned the transplant process would start up in mid-August. I start the third of six chemo series this Wednesday.
I have had that feeling of total panic and suffocation, but not for the duration that you did. I hope you continue to mend , keep us updated.
Dave my prayers are with you. I know what this is like for your family as Charles ( Charley ) had to have 1/2 of a lung removed due to tuberculosis. Prayers to your family as well. Becky

Becky, I hope things are going well for Charlie now.

I'm starting the 5th of six chemo series later this week. I am doing much better and the Pet scan done after the second series showed significant progress in removing the cancer from my lungs. I will be finished with the 6th series by the end of July. I have tests at Mayo in mid-August and tentatively will be starting a stem cell transplant procedure on Sep 8th. That process is expected to take 6 to 8 weeks where my wife and I will be living in a transplant house in Rochester. Hopefully by winter I will be done with treatments and can get on with life again.
Thanks again everyone for your prayers and encouragement.

just think, some people do not believe in miracles or more important GOD, i am sure you do and nobody could convince you differently.