2015 Snowbird Gathering Online Registration

I just registered and at the last minute it said "june rally"? How do you have a snowbird rally in june? I was looking forward to getting out of tennesee for the winter.
Oooops, it's fixed now. June is now February! Thank you guys for bringing it to my attention.
Originally Posted by mtn rider
I think you were just testing us to see if we were awake or not. LOL. Thanks Marge for all you do.

Yup, you're right. I was testing to see who would catch it first! LOL
Ok Marge I don't see your name on the registration log yet, so if your still testing us I believe your caught. LOL:pepper::pepper::pepper:
I signed up... but do not show up on registration log.

Marge updates the log every few days so check back in a couple and glad to have you joining us.


- - - Updated - - -

Please remember that the registration log is telling us who plans on attending. You still need to go on the post for the hotel info and make your own motel reservations.

Hi guys, just signed in .Our plans are to make day trips over to meet you guys if ok ? We live about 50 miles away in Ocala for winter.
Rosy, we may get to ride yet , lol. I was ridding all summer, but not trikes , it was go-karts . Boy do I have a lot of catching up to do & it can be done in Fl.:pepper:
Hey guys and gals--hotel reservations are great but, make sure you register on the sign up log so Marge can get the name tags for everyone attending even if you are not at the hotel she needs to know who will be there.
I just got off the phone with the motel and they assured me that there are plenty of rooms left !! Not sure why someone was told only 1 room left. There are 11 rooms reserved at this time and a few others local or camping so PLEASE sign up so we can properly plan some rides. The weather has turned cold here as it only reached 80 today so make sure you dress warm !!!

WOW, that will be great. Hope to see you again H & R!
It seemed every time we wanted to head your way, something would come up and we never made it...BUT, we will ride in Florida..That will be assume!
Trailering the trike down for the event.
When are you leaving for Florida?

It is going to be great seeing everybody at the Snowbird Gathering this February.
The list has not been updated in a while so I am glad you are posting your intent on going to the Gathering.
See you in a few!

Janice & Rosy
Thanks Marge for the update..
WOW, we have a large crowd going to the Gathering this year. This will be my first and I am looking forward to meeting all the new people, seeing old friends, and grab a cup of coffee from CaptainH & Reggie...LOL
Tom, that's not very nice of you to tell us folks from the Frozen Tundra that you needed a jacket to ride because it was cold at 80F or was it 70F.
You better pray to the weather Gods for good weather for The Gathering, to push this Polar Vortex back North by the time we get there.
See you soon!

Rosy & Janice
Thank you Marge for the registration log update !!! Looking good for the gathering in Feb. And a big welcome to the new folks this year as well as all of our "regulars" who always attend rain or shine !! New people mean "new friends" and we are off to a very good start this year !!
Thank you to all that will attend and those who cannot but, make nice comments/posts of our event.
