Alabama Gang

Since I'm only about 45 miles north of Huntsville, Alabama, and depending on where and if this happens, I (We) might try to attend also...ThumbUp...if a TENNESSEAN is Welcome.....:D
In viewing the map, looks like the Birmingham area would be pretty central to the majority of folks. We wouldn't have to gather in the city though, it could be the surrounding area in any direction. March or early April timeframe before everything starts happening. Thoughts?

And yes Skuuter, you would be welcome :)
OMG Are SKUUTER and MITZIE coming ? :pepper: Think you are right about staying out of B'HAM proper. Might could get ole SULLY and some of the Ga. folks.
Hey, ya never know who might show up. :Shrug: Ride on ThumbUp
My wife and I look forward to an Alabama get-together. And since we've tagged along on several of the Tennessee gang's rides, I'm pleased to see Scooter and Mitzie hopefully lined up. We're just on the West-side edge of Huntsville (Harvest, AL) so anything in the northern section of AL will be wonderful for us. Dates are flexible as well so y'all just pick one and we'll work with it.

I look forward to seeing all in April!! :clapping: