Any PA trikers on here?

Nice ride again today 3W... you definitely know where all the twisties are around here my friend. Holler again and we will all hit the road again!!!

Everyone said they had fun today. They were glad you turned around and went a different way when we got to the newly tar and chipped road! ThumbUp
Nice ride again today 3W... you definitely know where all the twisties are around here my friend. Holler again and we will all hit the road again!!!

Everyone said they had fun today. They were glad you turned around and went a different way when we got to the newly tar and chipped road! ThumbUp

thats funny. glad everyone had a good time.
ya know i had a whole paragraph of statements that i and my wife heard people saying.
lets just say i'll keep them to myself.
have a great day and ride safe.
I heard a couple of the two wheeled riders mumbling but didn't hear what they were saying. Probably didn't want me to hear what they were saying.
I heard a couple of the two wheeled riders mumbling but didn't hear what they were saying. Probably didn't want me to hear what they were saying.

thats quite alright.
i just wished that road up over the mountain would'nt have been newly stoned. the road was'nt in the best of shape but the scenery would've made up for it.
i got home and decided to tear into the trike. i was on 81 yesterday and this thing went into an ass end wobble like you would'nt believe. i had my suspicions about what it was and i was right.
the bar that hold the rear end centered has a heim joint at each end. they each had about a 16 th inch of play.
put in 2 new ones and no more play. should be better now.
glad i bought a whole new complete set of heim joints over a year ago.
last summer i had to replace a heim joint on the upper rear because it broke completely in half.
no shame for a trike kit that has 130,000 miles on the kit itself.

and you know i don't pick the smoothest of roads to ride.
Glad you got it figured out and fixed. That would be a hairy ride with the back end going into a wobble. No shame for it with the miles you put on it.

It is pretty scenery up in that area. Like I had said, the wife and I was up through there on a charity ride some time back and were on some of the road through the park. But you definitely had me thinking hard a few times to figure exactly where we were at. Not many straight stretches up through there is there?
pittsburgh triker

I'M in the s. hills of Pittsburgh. 2013 TG also a buddy of mine in Carnegie 11 TG Both Legion Riders.
Hello Everyone,

Bill here just northwest of Allentown, we also do alot of riding on our 2011 TriGlide. Gonna head over to Grantville on the 17th for the HOG rally and then up to the Northeast Gathering on the 24th. Maybe I will bump into some of you in our travels

Ride hard and be safe.