Prayers for the wife

Last November the wife had Charcot's, she had surgery on her foot to repair it they removed 13 bone. Now we have been told that her foot will never work and that the Charcot is in her tibia and that it will just get worst. So on November 21 she will be having her leg amputee about 3 inch below her knee. We know that this will be the best for her as she has not been able to put weight on here foot for a year. We need all the pray help we can get to help with here mental state and healing


Lanny, Sending positive thoughts and prayers that this procedure will give her some much needed relief from this problem. God bless you both.<br />
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Lanny our Prayers for you both during this procedure and the healing process afterwards.
Hoping all goes well - at least with a artificial limb she will be moving along again -God bless.
So sorry to hear this Lanny, prayers and faith that the outcome is a good one.
Lanny, you and Sally are in our prayers. May you feel God's comfort seeing you both through this.
God well be with you both.

Last November the wife had Charcot's, she had surgery on her foot to repair it they removed 13 bone. Now we have been told that her foot will never work and that the Charcot is in her tibia and that it will just get worst. So on November 21 she will be having her leg amputee about 3 inch below her knee. We know that this will be the best for her as she has not been able to put weight on here foot for a year. We need all the pray help we can get to help with here mental state and healing


Just remember god well not give you more than you can handle' BIG DENNY :):pepper:

Once over the shock of loosing a limb you will learn to live life well and to thank GOD for helping you through it. Being a amputee (loss of leg at hip) for over 40 years I know well the change a person will go through. I just retired as a marine mechanic 6 years ago. (boats just kept getting taller and me shorter). Pray for healing and spiritual help from GOD and JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR. In my prayers, Tom
Been awhile since I have updated about the wife She came home today, she has all kind of trouble with her new prosthetic seem the people just can not get it to fit right. Were not really happy looking in to going someplace else if we can she had her Left Knee replaced in April and now with a walker she can at least walk some, just cannot get comfortable with not knowing what the Prosthetic leg will do, but each day she shows improvements and still need prayers