Test ride

May 18, 2010
Molino, FL for now
I have been enjoying the R&R, unfortunately I only have about 8 days left. I was able to test ride a Stallion two days ago, my wife Florence really enjoyed it which is a major factor in an eventual decision to get one.<br />
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However, was pretty surprised at the price increase that has been mentioned as taking effect on the new 2011's. That may be a deal breaker for me...maybe not...just not sure at this point. I was expecting around a possible $1,000 increase and that wouldn't have bothered me...but $4,000 was pretty steep and way more than I expected. I guess with all the "pre-ordering" in the middle of the year must have made TMS pretty confident that the market would bear such an increase...but this "market" (me) may not. I've got awhile to think about it as I wasn't going to be ordering till Feb or Mar anyway, but as Jimjel mentioned the increase (of that amount) so far isn't sitting well with me and TMS may have gotten a little too greedy for their own good as far as I'm concerned...we'll just have to see. Maybe another "price reduction" along the amount of what happened earlier this year may come up next year about the time I would be ready to make the final decision.<br />
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I would like to join all of you in the ownership of one and I understand that a great many of you paid a pretty hefty price to be the first on your block to have one but I was hoping to get my wife in the mindset of getting one at the $30,000+ range and we were right there, but the $34,000+ range may be more difficult to swallow especially with sales tax and what ever piled on top of that...a new 2011 Mustang GT can be had for the same amount...or less.<br />
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Dennis<br />
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8 dtg Houston<br />
9 dtg London<br />
12 dtg Dubai<br />
14 dtg Kandahar
Maybe consider a "new" used one with low miles. We see them on here at intervals, and you could get a decent price on one that way.
2011 prices

That is the way TBMS works. They provided a steep discount last year, and aparently they sold like hotcakes! Many of us were suprised when they went from 30k-33k with only a day or so of notice. at 25k they were giving them away, and they were stripped of all the extras. At least now you have your choice of extras, as we did not for the early models. I would not consider calling TBMS "Greedy" as they are an American Company with American workers trying to deal with uncertain future healthcare and taxes laid on them by our idiodic regiem. With the amount of research you have been doing I am sure you can see you are getting a very well made american machine with an engine and other parts that will last for years with properr care.<br />
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If you don't think it is worth it, you have the option of getting a gently pre-owned model (like mine.....Shameless plug...<img src="images/smilies/redface.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Blush" class="inlineimg" />). Either way, don't let a few thousand dollars stand in the way of a great trike. Compared to our national debt it is just a fraction of a speck of dust!:yes:
Just remember that the prices were lowered last year which I didn't like as I bought mine in 09 so that means from my point of view they only raised the price by $1000. Now let us just see what changes they have made to go with the price.<br />
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<img src="images/misc/quote_icon.png" alt="Quote" /> Originally Posted by <strong>molinoman</strong>
<a href="showthread.php?p=39294#post39294" rel="nofollow"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/buttons/viewpost-right.png" alt="View Post" /></a>
<div class="message">However, was pretty surprised at the price increase that has been mentioned as taking effect on the new 2011's. That may be a deal breaker for me...maybe not...just not sure at this point. I was expecting around a possible $1,000 increase and that wouldn't have bothered me...but $4,000 was pretty steep and way more than I expected. I guess with all the "pre-ordering" in the middle of the year must have made TMS pretty confident that the market would bear such an increase...but this "market" (me) may not. I've got awhile to think about it as I wasn't going to be ordering till Feb or Mar anyway, but as Jimjel mentioned the increase (of that amount) so far isn't sitting well with me and TMS may have gotten a little too greedy for their own good as far as I'm concerned...we'll just have to see. Maybe another "price reduction" along the amount of what happened earlier this year may come up next year about the time I would be ready to make the final decision.</div>

</div>Dennis,<br />
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Prior to the pricing & option changes made by TBMS last December the Stallion was listing at $32995.00 with all options. Changes made obviously eked out more clientele. This is pure economics: supply & demand. Given a constant source of supply if an item is priced well, demand is high & excess inventories low. Increase price...demand suffers & Stallions are sitting on dealer's lots.<br />
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My wife & I have been following the Stallion since their ads started running in the trade magazines in late 2006.

We had an opportunity to test-drive a pre-production model in 2007 at Wing-Ding in Montana, and finally bought our 2008 Pearl White (#353) from a dealer out of Maryland while attending the Sturgis rally last year. When the Stallions were first announced they were being touted for $29995.00. Shortly after production started the price was increased to $30995, then they upped the price to $32995 for 2009. I too, balked at purchasing a 2009 model @ $33k but had no qualms purchasing the 2008 leftover @ $29995.00. Pure economics at work.<br />
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I suspect the announced price increase for the "full-meal-deal" & base models to be a short-term thing. To generate more interest they invariably will have to lower their MSRPs. Perhaps by the time you will be ready to purchase this will have occurred.<br />
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Food for thought.
I guess from my perspective that when I first started following the Stallion in May I was "exposed" to the $29,995 price so in essence I had missed the "good 'ol days" of the $32,995 pricing (cough, cough). For those of you who had paid the higher MSRP in the beginning and the first two years (?) I figured that was, again, the price you paid to be the first in your neighborhood and bragging rights, etc...<br />
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I was intrigued by the $24,995 pricing initially but after a lot of thought, research and reading this forum I had decided that I would be better off getting the full meal deal. So I am basically coming from the exposure to the $29,995 price which to me is still steep...but I was willing to go that far if my wife was comfortable with getting it as well.<br />
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After hearing what the little (and major) nit picks that have accompanied various aspects of Stallion ownership and seeing the Stallion up close (I have even more pics than I had before....which was a lot), I have to weigh the "value" of what I think the Stallion is worth. Up to a certain point I can justify a lot, but over that...again...I'm not so sure this (to me) $4,000 price increase is worth it...american made or not. If I find a dealer that would take my 2008 Mustang in trade (for instance), I may change my mind and just go for it and I may still do that anyway, as I mentioned previously I'm not in a hurry yet and February or March is the earliest I would be making my move and the price may very well come down again (and if the "low" price was $30,995, I would consider that acceptable) at that time and all this hand wringing may be for nought.<br />
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As of right now...time is on my side.<br />
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Dennis<br />
<br />
8 dtg Houston<br />
9 dtg London<br />
12 dtg Dubai<br />
14 dtg Kandahar<br />
15 dtg Helo anyone???
<i><b><span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS"><img src="http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/CBSS/smileyvault-cute-big-smiley-static-024.gif" border="0" alt="" /></span></b></i><br />
<i><b><span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS"><font size="3">I'm kinda amazed at all the folks 'round here that think piling an extra $4,000 on top of 30 grand is "not that much" ! </font></span></b></i><br />
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Just a point to consider.<br />
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I have spoken to four dealers, Jeff and Nick from the factory. I was starting out by telling them that the introduction of a basic Stallion was a real good idea and that it should help with sales. They all advised me that even though they did deliver some basic Stallions, most sales were for a completely equipped Stallion at the normal price. You have to remember there really was not a price reduction, but just an introduction of a model without about $8k worth of stuff on it. I believe based on sales mostly being for the full equipped model they went back to the original pricing with a 1k increase. It cost them money to make a stripped down version in production costs. If most sales were for the fully equipped they actual save money by dropping the basic model that didn't sell very well.
I think you need to go look at the other trikes out there and their prices. Then you will see the real value of the Stallion when compaired to the others. When you see the $40 grand Honda and Harley with no A/C or automatic the Stallion sure looks good !!!!<br />
I think you need to go look at the other trikes out there and their prices. Then you will see the real value of the Stallion when compaired to the others. When you see the $40 grand Honda and Harley with no A/C or automatic the Stallion sure looks good !!!!

Tomg hit it on the head. Shop around, brand new trike loaded out CO$T

Blue Trinity
Yes $4000 is a lot of money, but let's all be honest a trike is a toy, we purchase one to have fun, enjoy life. My family does not spend money on vacations so we can spend the extra $4000 + $30,000 and enjoy life any day we want not just 2 weeks a year, that's HOW WE LIVE. In addition start adding "extras" to the price after purchase: Cb, Chrome, Helmets, Chrome, MP3, Chrome, Deluxe seat, Chrome well you get the point and now you are out another $5000 to $10,000. Basically Big Boy toys cost money, and if your budget it tight, it should be with careful consideration before you purchase a Toy be it a boat, RV, Rag top, Trike, Motorcycle, Airplane etc.

No disrespect intended, just perspective for people looking to purchase.

I'm kinda amazed at all the folks 'round here that think piling an extra $4,000 on top of 30 grand is "not that much" !

$32995 to $34000 is a $1000 increase that is what my comment was based on.
Some of us need that extra $4k for other "things" like (in order of priority):

1) Ham Radio Equipment
2) Goldwing stuff
3) Housing
4) Food
5) Wife's allowance ('cause she got the Stallion!)
Some of us need that extra $4k for other "things" like (in order of priority):

1) Ham Radio Equipment
2) Goldwing stuff
3) Housing
4) Food
5) Wife's allowance ('cause she got the Stallion!)

1) Wifey money to shop & Motorcycles
2) Personal homeland protection equipment regulated by BATF
3) Ammo for #2
4) Accessories for #1 &#2

LOL...I love seeing all the comments on this thread. I'm gonna use the same logic I used with our Customers when we were carrying the Red Horse Choppers at our Yamaha Dealership (owned by my Boss, so don't assume I have money)...
People would look at the Yamahas, which were priced between $8,000 and $17,500 (just examples)...then they'd look at the Red Horse priced at $25,000 on the bottom end and say "gee I'm not sure I want to spend that much for a Bike"...we'd just look at them, and point out "Look you don't buy a Corvette because you're looking for a Daily Commuter...you buy it for the Bragging Rights,
and this is the same thing"...it's an "apples & oranges" issue. I made a deal with my Boss on a "Brand New" leftover $14,000 Roadstar, after all the givebacks from Yamaha Corp, he worked out his cost and sold it to me for $7,200 (what he had into it). I got a brand new Bike and he reduced his inventory, The Trike was something I'd been thinking about for years and this allowed me the opportunity to make the move and have a New Bike to boot! It is what it is...if you want it bad enough you'll make it happen ;-)

I understand to a point what some of you are saying on the Stallion, but, again, I came into the Stallion when it was being advertised at the $29,995 range plus TT+T.

I used to work in car sales (World Ford in Pensacola in 2004) so I know how "sales" are done. The Stallion is in a class by itself in that it appears to be "accepted" that there is no mark down (unless the factory does it as it did earlier this year) unless you happen upon a dealer who is willing "to deal". To me, personally, whether or not the Stallion is a great deal compared to a Harley or a Gold Wing trike is totally irrelevant. The deal is good if I can justify it, feel I got good value for the money I spent and finally give up the money to pay for it whether it be cash or financed.

I am having a little trouble with the "good value" part of the Stallion. My wife likes it, I like it, when I was figuring on $29,995 plus TT+T (and delivery) plus maybe another $1,000 for a price increase for the 2011 model I could pretty much see me "enthusiasticlly" putting my money down on one. Now that it is about $3,000 more than anticipated it does give me some pause.

When I made my trip last week and visited the dealership in Donelsonville, GA and Randy's in Dothan there were no Stallions to be had for demo's. Larry in Donelsonville had his own personal one that Florence and I took out for a spin...again we liked it (the muffler / resonator was kind of noisey) and took into account that it was a two year old model. But between the time that I last contacted Larry in Afghanistan he had sold the two that he had (it might have been three Stallions) by the time I visited last week. Randy didn't have any. So the statement about supply and demand certainly does apply here but that doesn't mean I have to "enjoy" it's benefits on my buying situation.

By the time I am ready to buy in Feb or Mar next year, there could be another sale going on similar to the one that just ended in July before the new price increase...I hope so, I would definitely like to buy one but if the price is up there where it is going to be now in the immediate future I may just fold my cards and buy later.

I wanted the Stallion because I liked the design and felt my wife would really like it but I am not in the situation where I "have to have it" for any number of reasons (present bike too heavy, afraid of dropping current bike, legs are not as strong as they used to be, etc...) in fact I had moved my "future" trike buying moment up because of the Stallion...but I am able to still ride a regular "big" motorcycle and was pretty much planning on buying both when I am done over here plus maybe a small "econo" car for the bad weather days. So the part about paying for "toys" is also irrelevant as far as I am concerned as I will have the money to do what I want anyway...my concern now is that the bloom is off of the "Stallion" rose for now and I will wait to see how next spring is (and the price) to see if my "wanting" to buy a Stallion is as strong as what it was before the price increase.


6 dtg Houston
7 dtg London
10 dtg Dubai
12 dtg Kandahar

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