Amazing what is close to home

Ya gotta Love it...I'm startin' to think "I have to Re-Ride all those Roads I Rode in the past to see whatl I missed"..LOL!
One of the first things I noticed when I started riding trikes was how much more I enjoyed the scenery. Ive been riding two wheelers since I was 10 years old and have always considered myself a careful rider. I always pay attention and ride within my limits and watch the road. On a trike, as long as you are going in a straight line you can keep a semi-loose grip on the handlebars and it will track itself in a straight line, giving you the ability to look around quiet a bit more and take in the scenery. You will see a lot of things you would miss on a two wheeler. On a bike you tend to steer where you look so you better be looking ahead!
Yep, we ride our local area "extensively", and never tire of the Scenery and Great Roads in every direction.....I have CD after CD of the roads literally in a 50 mile "box", and yes, the Trike does it better.....I could almost "literally" fill a Forum with Pics after each weekend ride.......:wtg:..........Hmmmm, now that I think about that last sentence.......:laugh::rolleyes: