
Our 20 year old baby kitty, Puddin, passed away at 4:30pm today. She quietly passed at home, just before I got home from work. Prayers of comfort needed, please...Carolyn and Scott
Prayers sent... Scott, sorry for you and your families loss. Remember the twenty years of good times and love you had with Puddin.
My wife love cat's and brought one home three years ago, I was not happy about it.............until this little kitten crawled up on my lap and just looked at me and wanted to be petted, and purrrrred, well that's all it took, my heart sank and I feel in love with this little critter :xzqxz: if anything happen to this kitten, I would now be heart broken............I NOW feel your pain!!!

Really sorry to hear about puddins passing. Me and Dianne only have cats. She makes me travel for a living so she gets to stay home with Jasper during the week training him to shed profusely on me when I get home. You always remember your cats.