Post surgeries......I’m back!

After several surgeries and a couple of non-riding years, I am going to give it a try this weekend! I have my new battery bought and installing it tomorrow. So now it is a matter of the weather drying enough to ride.

My surgeries didn’t go as planned, so we are not sure I will be able to ride much or not. I told my with that I will start on short rides for awhile and after a couple of months, if I still can’t ride comfortably, then I will sell my trike and my two wheeler also. Get what I can out of them rather than sit in our garage losing more worth every year.

This is a big deal to my wife and I as we have been riding together since we first started dating in 1980. To lose riding is to lose a very important part of our lives, that only other riders can understand.

Either way, I will post how it goes. Please say a prayer for us.

Welcome back Craig .......Take your time on the riding and don't over do it, You''ll figure it out....:clapping:....
Also... the Mrs. could substitute-drive that trike when needed.

Lots of lady drivers out here now...present company included.

Last year I was riding the Tail of the Dragon's and had a serious seizure while riding and had to be helicoptered out to a hospital and doctors took my driver's license away for six month :blush: I couldn't drive for that whole half year.... NOT FUN!

Welcome back to the world of riding ... not being able to ride would be a hard pill to take ... but, I suspect we will all get to that crossroad eventually ... good luck with your comeback ... I'll be praying for you.
It's good to have you back, Craig.ThumbUp :wave:

Take your time and be respectful of your limits.
Don't expect things to be anything close to where you were. I had a big wreck followed by multiple surgeries back in 012 and I'm still not where I was. But I'm also still on two wheels so most of my problem is dealing with balance which shouldn't be a concern for you but just don't expect everything to be perfect. But the more you ride the better things will get.
After several surgeries and a couple of non-riding years, I am going to give it a try this weekend! I have my new battery bought and installing it tomorrow. So now it is a matter of the weather drying enough to ride.

My surgeries didn’t go as planned, so we are not sure I will be able to ride much or not. I told my with that I will start on short rides for awhile and after a couple of months, if I still can’t ride comfortably, then I will sell my trike and my two wheeler also. Get what I can out of them rather than sit in our garage losing more worth every year.

This is a big deal to my wife and I as we have been riding together since we first started dating in 1980. To lose riding is to lose a very important part of our lives, that only other riders can understand.

Either way, I will post how it goes. Please say a prayer for us.


Craig, I have been thinking about you and your wife. My late S/O and I met while riding so that was a very important part of our lives. After he had a couple of surgeries he started out riding a little and we did do a lot of short rides for a good while. He did work his way up to riding far enough that we could go just about anyplace we wanted. We would go on trips, just the two of us, so that if he got tired we could stop. We ended up staying in a couple of places that we had passed through but never stayed. On the way home we spent the night just about 100 miles from home once. The next morning we had breakfast and a pleasant ride home, so it was a perfect ride.

Remember, it's not about the destination it is about enjoying the time you spend together. I understand how hard this is for both of you. I am saying a prayer.

First off, let me offer my condolences with the loss of your S/O. My wife is a kidney transplant recipient. Because of this she has little to no immune system. Because of that, I have come close to losing her several times. I cannot fathom the pain you must feel of losing your partner.

Secondly, thank you for your very kind words. My wife and I have remained very close after all of those years together. With our kids out and on their own, we had more time to concentrate on each other, which brought us closer. Then with her health suddenly taking a turn for the worst, I am sure that it brought us even closer. There was one instance that afterwards, the doctor told me that he thought she would not recover. Of course I am in ‘panic mode’ every time she gets sick. Through all of this, our Love has endured and even grown. Honestly, we have been compared to teenagers in love. :)

I had planned on taking the trike out today, but unfortunately, we are in the middle of a cold front. I believe that the weather looks better for Sunday, with a high around 65 degrees. So maybe I can take her for a ride for Mother’s Day.

Lastly, many thanks to all of you for your well wishes. I truly appreciate it.


Well, the longest I have been able to ride is about an hour to an hour and a half. Last summer we rode about an hour and a half away. Once there, I was getting sore. But, we now had to get home! So, I ‘sucked-it-up’ and rode home. - I was pretty sore for the following three days or so.

This past summer, I rode a few short trips. But due to my health issues, our trike mostly just sat in the garage collecting dust.

I again broached the subject of selling our trike. My wife is adamant that we are going to keep the Trike. So, I can’t see us selling it at all. - Our kids can worry about when we are gone.

Life, (my health), is slowly taking away everything we love to do for recreation. This past month I gave my like new boat to my youngest son. I just can no longer handle the launching routines, climbing in and out of it, and I know the waves tear me up. - This was a very tough decision, as my wife and our kids always loved being on our boat, both fishing as well as just cruising the Missouri River. But it was a waste for this ‘like new’ boat to sit in our garage, getting no use. - Though I keep reminding myself that there are MANY people that are in worse shape than us, and never got to experience all that we have. But I still say that sometimes…. Life just SUCKS!

Oh well, at least we still have 40 years worth of memories together. Many memories on our bikes & Trike - 37 states, plus Canada. Plus our years on our boat. We led very good lives and are blessed with all we have had. But it is tough to watch it slowly be taken away. - Part of life, and of course it could get much worse at any time.

Okay, enough whining! - Thanks for the well wishes, I really do appreciate them.
