Memorial Day

Regrettably this weekend has lost MUCH of it's real meaning. When I grew up in Michigan (1946 to 1966) the little town I lived in always had a service at the cemetery for the veterans buried there. As a cub/boy scout I remember being there a listening to what the day ment. I do not see that going on today for the most part. For most down here in the Keys it's party time. I served from 1966 to 1970 and often think about those that also served but did not make it back. I'm lucky I did not know anyone personally that did not.

For all of us that do remember what its all about we need to keep that meaning alive.
An “Old Guard” soldier who was photographed placing a small American flag at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during a severe thunderstorm is drawing notice ahead of Memorial Day.

The storm hit Thursday in D.C. as members of the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment, better known as “The Old Guard,” were planting flags at each grave at the cemetery as they do each year at this time.

“During the storm, one of the most extraordinary displays of discipline and dedication to duty ever to be witnessed at Arlington National Cemetery was taking place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,” the Old Guard’s Facebook page said in a post.

“With only a few watching from cover, a Tomb Sentinel approached the Unknowns with U.S. flags in hand. As thunder shook the ground and rains washed down without abandon, the Tomb Sentinel pierced through the elements with breath-taking precision.

“He knelt and placed the flags in honor of the Unknowns. For the select few who saw this moment, it was jaw-dropping. Humans have their limits, but The Old Guard has yet to meet theirs.”

A comment to the post identified the sentinel as Tyler McKee, according to WTHR-TV.

Thousands of homes in the D.C. area lost power in the storm which also knocked down a significant number of trees, WUSA-TV reported.


Story and pics here:
Memorial Day has always been a day of reflection for me ... I had the honor of being one of the guys that helped dig out the Marines at the Beirut airport after a truck bomb took over 200 of them ... finally over the nightmares ... but I'll never forget those brave souls.