Cancel Culture?????

I had an appointment yesterday with my eye doc. No biggie just a routine annual and order adjusted glasses for reading mostly.

Anyway, I took the trike because it was a gorgeous day.

This morning I went out to the garage to clean out the tour pack and the trunk. I'm hoping to do a meandering ride in the near future.

When I bent down to unlock the trunk, and something was off. Took me a bit to figure this out, but, my "Body Piercing Save My Life" sign was gone. On closer inspection, it looks like someone used either a wooden or plastic "stick" to scrape it off. The only time in the last 6 days my trike was alone (without me) other than my garage, was yesterday while I was in the eye doc's office. My eye docs office is very near the community college. I'm not accusing anyone, but, Dad used to say, "If it walks like a duck, talks likes a duck, and has been seen in the company of feller ducks, It's probably a Duck!"


2019-03-20 14.02.46.jpeg



There appeared to be a couple scratches, but, turns out it's just in the ceramic sealer. Used the Honda Cleaner and now I can't see them :D. I'll redo the whole trike this winter.
I have a Trump sticker on the rear window of my pickup , So far no problems....

But my Wife won't let me put one on her SUV....She's worried about that...

Back in 2016 i had two Trump signs on my front lawn ....And as i left my house to go to the store i noticed that the high school Girls running team was running up the street.....And when i came back from the store no more than 15 minuets later the signs were trampled over.....I Didn't see who did it.....

''But'' like you say........Walks like a Duck....................
That is a shame Alan! Sorry to hear that. It takes a lowlife to do something like that.

Bob, so far my and my neighbors Trump signs are ok...
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That is a shame Alan! Sorry to hear that. It takes a lowlife to do something like that.

Bob, so far my and my neighbors Trump signs are ok...

It didn't bother me too much i just popped them back up...A few day's later i was talking to a high-school student [Male] who works at a local store about it, And he said it doesn't surprise him in the least you would not believe how the Teachers were beating into the Girls heads that Trump is the Devil... ...
It didn't bother me too much i just popped them back up...A few day's later i was talking to a high-school student [Male] who works at a local store about it, And he said it doesn't surprise him in the least you would not believe how the Teachers were beating into the Girls heads that Trump is the Devil... ...

I am sure the teachers were a big influence on the girls mindsets... they need to stick to teaching the 3 R's...
This younger generation was raised with an entitlement mindset and that they were special and above average in every respect. Of course if everyone is special and above average then no one is, lol. But they think they have the moral authority to bend reality to suit them and of course silence any dissent since they are the arbiters of what is right and holy. The radicals of the 1960s have succeeded in brainwashing an entire generation or two.
Fuzzy, so glad the bike is ok, scum deserve a beating for messing with someones possessions.
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This is right in line with what is going on today...some chicken (doing it when nobody is looking) taking away YOUR freedom of expression by selfishly expressing their own opposing expression. Why can’t people just mind their own business and leave each other alone..
This is why by this time next year, you will have your first women president. The Dem. establishment will force Ol' Joe out before his first year is up.
This is why by this time next year, you will have your first women president. The Dem. establishment will force Ol' Joe out before his first year is up.
If that happens they will have to change the rules Harris cannot be President the way it is now. That said Obama was anyway, sad but it happened Civil War is just around the corner and Patriots better get ready just sayin. these people are not Americans they are communists make no mistake about it.
Jack Klarich and Fearless, how true, how true your comments. I wonder how our America will survive if Biden and Harris wins this election. I would not like a move to Panama, too long in the tooth for that.
Jack Klarich and Fearless, how true, how true your comments. I wonder how our America will survive if Biden and Harris wins this election. I would not like a move to Panama, too long in the tooth for that.

I will not hide I will not be silent I will stand for God and country let it begin now and spare the children.
Jack Klarich and Fearless, how true, how true your comments. I wonder how our America will survive if Biden and Harris wins this election. I would not like a move to Panama, too long in the tooth for that.

Thing of it is....there is no place left to go to. The one world order means just that... this is a global movement... course, I don’t know how they are going to rein in Afghanistan and the likes very soon...probably use the U.S. military to just turn it into glass.
Big salute Fearless, brings to mind, 'better dead than red', think that was an old 'cold war' slogan.

That was before mind control took over.....And most Americans were paid to work, Now most are paid 'Not to work''....And they are loving it at the moment, :mad:...
​Violence is perfectly acceptable if you're on the left. Just wait until someone commits violence against the left, then they're gonna want the police to do something about it. Only problem is, they "defunded" the police.
​Violence is perfectly acceptable if you're on the left. Just wait until someone commits violence against the left, then they're gonna want the police to do something about it. Only problem is, they "defunded" the police.

The other day man in Brooklyn Was playing handball and was killed by a stray bullet ! A reporter was interviewing his wife and she was bemoaning the fact that there should be more Cops to do something about guns but I’m willing to bet before all this happened she was part of the defund the police and ended stop and Frisk crowd a🤔