Father in-law


400+ Posts
My wife's family needs prayers her dad passed away today I need the strength to take care of things for them . I'm just glad it was me there and not my wife this is hard enough for her and my mother-in-law
Sorry to hear about the sadness in your family. If he could have stayed he would have. Prayers and kind thoughts to her and all the family.
Sending thoughts and prayers of strength and comfort for you and your family..
Very sorry for your loss, prayers on the way for your family ........
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I just need to get it out, mother in law has dementia, my wife has been taking care of everything, money, doc appointment and i take care of her house, her car, her son is a pos and moved in with her now he he her convinced that my wife her daughter is stealing her money and she has more money in he bank account then she has ever had because of my wife all her bills are paid i fix her house her car and my wife and I pay for it and I always have for years even when i really don't have the money I still do it now her son is brain washing her to think my wife is stealing from her he has been diagnosed as bypooler and skitsofrenick and I am at my ends
I just need to get it out mother in law has dementia my wife has been taking care of everything we money doc appointment i take care of her house her car her son is a pos and moved in with her now he he her convinced that my wife her daughter is sterling her money and she has more money in he bank account then she has ever had because of my wife all her bills are paid i fix her house her car and my wife and I pay for it and I always have for years even when i really don't have the money I still do it now her son is brain washing her to think my wife is steeling from her he has been diagnosed as bypooler and skitsofrenick and I am at my ends

Wayne.. how does it go no good deed goes unpunished.

I can tell by your keystrokes that you’re frustrated and angry you just have to take a deep breath …You might have to get a third party involved?.. i.e. social services…🤔..
I just need to get it out mother in law has dementia my wife has been taking care of everything we money doc appointment i take care of her house her car her son is a pos and moved in with her now he he her convinced that my wife her daughter is sterling her money and she has more money in he bank account then she has ever had because of my wife all her bills are paid i fix her house her car and my wife and I pay for it and I always have for years even when i really don't have the money I still do it now her son is brain washing her to think my wife is steeling from her he has been diagnosed as bypooler and skitsofrenick and I am at my ends

Wayne, you have a heavy load, I hear you calling out for some help

I will continue to pray for you and your family, I would suggest after you sleep on this try to talk to some one, preferably one that does not have any connection to family IE a pastor, or any kind of a counselor, if nothing else they could be neutral and maybe offer ideas you may not have thought of