Maggie Valley

Won't make it this year. Leaving next Tuesday to go back to Virginia for my brother's funeral. My trip to the East coast is coming a little early this year. It was no fun last year 4 hours after checking into the hotel finding out that you have COVID and must lock yourself in your room.
Won't make it this year. Leaving next Tuesday to go back to Virginia for my brother's funeral. My trip to the East coast is coming a little early this year. It was no fun last year 4 hours after checking into the hotel finding out that you have COVID and must lock yourself in your room.

Every time I went by your door last year I kept saying to myself, "I hope you're OK." There were some prayers thrown in there too. We'll miss you this year but hope to see you in 2023.

Dale, Maggie Valley is not one of those "You have to go here, you have to go there" gatherings. It is very laid back, lots of options for rides, either with a leader or strike out with someone else. Getting together for supper and in the rocking chairs in evening for a few libations and lies is the fun.
We hope to be there. As long as the hip replacement due next month goes well.

Good luck on the surgery. Hope to see you in MV. this time. Lola said you were walking with a cane. Not fun I'm sure. We will be riding some state & US roads down.