Rally V Checklist - please confirm status


The rally is less than a month away and the rally support team is working together to finalize plans and schedules. We need your help to complete rally preparations.

For those who are attending, please visit the 2012 RALLY CHECKLIST (found on the rally support page) and review the following:

* information for your ID badge is accurate (except for the lodging details) all info on the ID BADGE LIST will be printed on your ID badge.

* if you are planning to attend the Saturday picnic, please pre-order your meals to give the caterer a head count. The meals will be prepared based on the number of pre-ordered meals we receive about 2 weeks before the rally. There will be a small allowance for last minute show ups. We want to have enough for everybody so make sure that you pre-order your meals, even if you choose to pay at the rally.

* be reminded that the rally t-shirt is custom and date-specific and the quantity to be printed will be based on pre-orders. there may be just a few extra to sell. if you plan to have one, please pre-order now (even if you choose to pay at the rally) so we can have it in your size. everyone is encouraged to wear the rally spirit t-shirt on saturday, for the picnic and group picture.

There is a CONTACT US button under the link for you to communicate any changes, updates or corrections. If you are planning to bring other friends and family, please make sure that they get registered and told about the meals and t-shirts.

If you are unable to attend even after having previously registered, please advise so the id badge neednot be printed.

Thank you for your cooperation and your support. This is OUR rally and everyone is involved! Thank you for those who have already confirmed their rally plans. Let us all work together to ensure we have a great time
Re: Rally v: Checklist - please confirm status

Thanks guys I know this is a lot of work for ya'll.See ya'll soon.RIDE SAFE
Re: Rally v: Checklist - please confirm status

Everything looks good, can't wait to see ya'all. Thanks for all the hard work getting the rally together.
See ya there!
Hi Marge..I'm new here and can't find the area to pre order the meals or t-shirts..could you help me with this...Thanks C & M McMillan
Checked out the info for Gloria and myself and everything looks good, except the date. It's too far away! Can't wait to make the trip and see y'all in June.
Marge (now that I can again get fully into the forum on my computer after the glitch!) I took a good look at the checklist, and it looks fabulous! Great work :D
I just sent some money to (someone) I hope it went to the right place....for 2 t-shirts....we'll know when we get there...
Big John (Scalp Hunter) and I are down to counting the hours until we're all together again!! You folks do NOT want to miss this one!!!
Everything is correct. It's great to see 16 from the Keystone State registered to come this year. I think we were the only ones from PA there last year.
First rally on the Trike. Going to Americade to warm up for Maggie Valley.

Bikerjack, when are you going to be at Americade? A bunch of us get together Saturday morning at Long Shots (10am) - have breakfast & socialize, and watch the parade. Rain or shine (so far, no shine! :() it's a great time!!

And for Maggie Valley - NO, BlondieGal, I do NOT want to miss this one!! :D
Everybody needs to remember to bring along a good magic marker so you can autograph Nana's new V-Rod trike LOL
I just sent some money to (someone) I hope it went to the right place....for 2 t-shirts....we'll know when we get there...

Hi Carl:

Your t-shirt orders were received and posted on the checklist. You're good to go....now you just need to pre-order your meals.....

I posted elsewhere as well. Cannot make this rally because of a broken shoulder. I had surgery that is being followed with 6 weeks of therapy / 3 days a week. Therapy runs into July. Jeannette canceled our motel reservations. Can we recover the cost of our meal tickets? Please advise. Thanks!