New Year, New Knee

+1 on the well wishes we will keep you in our thoughts and Prayers for a speedy recovery :good:. Fred/Jeanne
Jerry, sounds like you’ve got a good dr who does a lot of them and is comfortable with the system he uses. You are right by going above and beyond on your physical therapy, that is the biggest part of recovery, if you don’t do the PT it doesn’t matter how good your dr is you won’t have a good outcome. Good luck with everything, soon it will be a distant memory. Spring will be here soon and you will be on the road with that beautiful Tri glide.
Wishing you al the best ... I had my left knee done 1/29/19 ... bought the Fat Bottom Girl 3/18/19 ... and was riding the Gold Wing two weeks after my TKR ... My left was so much easier than the right. Do what your therapist says ... no matter how evil he or she is ... :xzqxz:
You just don't know when to quit Jerry !!! New knee new bike new year another new knee. Wow, anyway best of luck & speedy recovery. Being my 20 is not here yet, I could volunteer to break yours in . :D:D Anyway at least it is early enough to get in shape for April. Cya soon.
You just don't know when to quit Jerry !!! New knee new bike new year another new knee. Wow, anyway best of luck & speedy recovery. Being my 20 is not here yet, I could volunteer to break yours in . :D:D Anyway at least it is early enough to get in shape for April. Cya soon.

When I make a change I go all in, lol. :)
Thank goodness all went well great to hear. please be careful in the winter...:good: Walk careful Fred
Good luck with your surgery & here's to a speedy recovery. Good time to have the job done.

I personally am in the new year, new heart valve club & I'm loving it.:Dorag:

I'm a pretty close mouthed kind of guy who keeps his personal life . . . well personal. But I've come to know many of you great folks over the past couple years either on the forum or in person a the Texas gathering so here goes! Next Tuesday, January 7th, I'm having a total knee replacement TKR on my right knee. I had a TKR on my left knee just three months ago on October 8th and have had an extraodinarily successful recovery for which I am most thankful.

As my mom would say my knees have not caused me excruciating pain but they have caused discomfort and limited mobility. I'm grateful that my orthopedic surgeon's philosophy is 'if it interferes with your lifestyle let's fix it' and that's exactly what I'm doing.

So I won't be riding my beautiful new 2020 Tahitian Teal TG Ultra for a couple months but it will be in the garage to inspire me . . . and I can go out and rub on the chrome, lol.

So stay safe my friends and I'll be back in the wind before you know it.


I will get mine done when I return home from Fla. Hope it goes well for you and me Hope it does not lay me up to long

How long were you laid up on first time

Once again GOOD LUCK

I will get mine done when I return home from Fla. Hope it goes well for you and me Hope it does not lay me up to long

How long were you laid up on first time

Once again GOOD LUCK

My first knee went really well. Don't recall exactly but off walker on cane within a couple weeks and off cane by four weeks - maybe less. By six weeks I was pretty much doing what I wanted and at eight weeks released to do whatever I could, lol. Riding trike by them and might could have done so sooner but the 'Queen' was not having it! Now I'm not saying I was 100% at those times . . . and still am not - improving slowly and it may take a year before I know the 'total' outcome. But it has been wildly successful and I'm glad I did them. Doc said my right knee was really, really bad - much worse than the left. And I had a bone cyst and it was severely crooked. Now it is straight and doesn't grind.
Glad to hear everything went well and hope for a speedy recovery. Just listen to the doctor and you will be ok, now as you said in that one post ( the Queen said no ) better listen to her as well LOL:D:D

All for now Trampas