Chesapeake Trikers NE Rally Travel Plan

Looking at the weather that whole weekend looks great. Wed. Rain weather moved to Thurs am. Good news is Conn. gas dropped a little $ 3.73 for reg. you high test guys it is still really high $4.12
Looking at the weather that whole weekend looks great. Wed. Rain weather moved to Thurs am. Good news is Conn. gas dropped a little $ 3.73 for reg. you high test guys it is still really high $4.12

Since someone else brought up the weather... Accu weather says rain on Sat. 16th.
BLUMS ALMANAC 2014 --Atlantic cost, 12-15,More clouds than hazy sun,with a few scattered showers .16-19 widespread rain and showers .see u there Thursday the 14
road trip too VT cant wait.
BLUMS ALMANAC 2014 --Atlantic cost, 12-15,More clouds than hazy sun,with a few scattered showers .16-19 widespread rain and showers .see u there Thursday the 14
road trip too VT cant wait.

Yesterday, accuweather says rain for Saturday. Today it says mostly sunny.:Shrug:
You aren't going to get a clear idea of the weather until we get closer - I mean really, this IS New England we're talking about! ;) Changes by the minute here! :D
Just checked my weather station. Raining 3" an hour. Wind died down thank God. Should pass to our south in about 6 hours. Good thing no one is traveling in the northeast right now. Friday looks great. Talked to Grey Ghost 1/2 hour ago. Checked on my A/c . Said they are ready for us. Full house no cancellations.

Raining there too. Wish I packed the trailer yesterday. But I got the lawn mowed instead. See ya Friday.