
Phu Cat

2250+ Posts

Ma and I live in a small community in north central Florida. When we retired here 11 years ago it was a quiet town, but now there's construction darned near everywhere. Is this happening where you live?


Ma and I live in a small community in north central Florida. When we retired here 11 years ago it was a quiet town, but now there's construction darned near everywhere. Is this happening where you live?


Yep…Every day someone is building a house’ Adding to a house or digging something up and it isn’t stopping any time soon….In a nutshell that’s call progress…Don’t let the census fool you there’s twice as many people in the United States then is being reported…😱..
Lovington New Mexico is boring and the only construction is a drainage project on Main Street. :laugh:
I live in a suburb of Jacksonville Florida

There is not much vacant property near me, that said building is taking place here where there is room to grow, not on my street, it is a culdesac with one way in and back out
Out here in this God Forsaken state, developers are buying up single family homes in order to tear them down and build two duplexes on the lot. A lot of places have passed ordinances that prohibit building single family homes.
In Jersey there is this thing called the Mount laurel decision each town has to have a certain amount of affordable housing so anytime a new restaurant opens up or a bank applies for a permit and if they put a few apartments upstairs that qualifies for a fordable housing so the town can met their quota and in turn eases the permit process for that business…