Folding Of The Flag...


Having never had the experience of attending in person the folding of the flag…

…Are the honor statements verbally expressed as the flag is folded?
Thank you,

I got to admit that I just learned something new this morning..............I honestly had no idea on why a flag was folded in a triangle.....

Very interesting!

I know this is an old thread, but to above question about being said out loud during the folding of the flag. When I retired out of AF, the Honor Guard quoted them as they folded the flag, and before each fold the flag was stretched with and what I can only describe as a pop as it was stretched to precise width and taught. When they finished the flag was very tight and the stars facing up were perfect, it is still in my retirement case that was made for me.
I know this is an old thread, but to above question about being said out loud during the folding of the flag. When I retired out of AF, the Honor Guard quoted them as they folded the flag, and before each fold the flag was stretched with and what I can only describe as a pop as it was stretched to precise width and taught. When they finished the flag was very tight and the stars facing up were perfect, it is still in my retirement case that was made for me.

The Folding of the flag (Protocol) is a sad and solemn ritual and it’s never rushed…
It is a solemn ritual, and it is not rushed.

It was first at my retirement for a very special person to pay our respect, since it was not done at the funeral. A US flag was later presented to the next of kin.
When I was in 5th grade I was part of the flag duty detail. One day a week my partner and I were responsible for hanging the flag in the morning, taking it down after school and retrieving it if it started raining during the day.

On our first day they showed us how to correctly handle and re-fold the flag. Easy for two people, even 5th graders.