Rehash after market Motor Trike air bags

I finally found the leak! When we drilled & tapped the manifold for mounting holes, we drilled into the compression plugs at the of the manifold. I found the leak by accident! Yesterday, we made another manifold. We drilled the 1/8" air gallery slightly off center to allow room for the mounting holes....worked perfectly! I went for a ride last night with the bags aired up to 15 PSI, I found the ride a little rough. I dropped the pressure to 13 PSI & that was a little better. Out again today and dropped another 2 lbs to 11PSI. I wonder how low I can go without damaging the bags? Any advice anyone???

I finally found the leak! When we drilled & tapped the manifold for mounting holes, we drilled into the compression plugs at the of the manifold. I found the leak by accident! Yesterday, we made another manifold. We drilled the 1/8" air gallery slightly off center to allow room for the mounting holes....worked perfectly! I went for a ride last night with the bags aired up to 15 PSI, I found the ride a little rough. I dropped the pressure to 13 PSI & that was a little better. Out again today and dropped another 2 lbs to 11PSI. I wonder how low I can go without damaging the bags? Any advice anyone???


do you have your shocks set on the lowest setting? i would check that. as far as air pressure in the bags. i ran mine clear down to 7 lb. one time and didn't damage them. but it sounds to me like your shocks are set to stiff.
Wow! What a difference the base cycle of the trike kit must make. I am HOPING that the bags are the same. Measurements seemed close when I reached up and checked mine, but that is installed and accuracy may have suffered...

I cant even put my bags at that low a PSI. The low limit sensor runs the compressor and turns off when there is ~20# in the bags. The bike bottoms out over bumps with this little pressure. Riding alone I set it at 40#. I have considered putting a 40# low limit in it, but have not yet. I bought used, have NO idea if the 20# minimum sensor is a customer added item or from MT's original install.

With the shocks on #2 of 4, 4 being max lift, I needed near max pressure, 80# or so two up.

With the shocks on #4, I can now run 60# two up and its the same comfort. Shocks look OK, never had them leak oil.

I am 225# and Mrs is around 150#.