Spoken at a Veterans ceremony..

rhino 2

100000 + Posts
Gold Member
It is, in a way an odd thing to honor those who died in defense of our country in wars far away ‘ The imagination plays a trick. We see these soldiers in our mind as old and wise .We see them as something like the founding fathers grave and gray haired but most of them were boys when they died, They gave up two lives the one they were living in-And the one they would have lived.. When they died they gave up their chance to be Husbands and Fathers and Grandfathers .. They gave up their chance to be Revered old Men.. They gave up everything for their country for us..All we can do is to Remember Them…

; Ronald (Ronnie) Wilson Reagan….
Our town has veteran flags with the pictures of our local deciesed veterans. There is one there that I schooled with . When I pass him I will always salute him . RIP Mike . 🫡

Our town has more than i can count.....And not all of them are deceased ....

In Highland New York 'Sullivan County they have at least 75 or more along Rt 55...North of Barryvile...
as no one is recognized unless there dead

Our community in Florida recognizes veterans, both living and dead, twice a year.
Let us not forget the advertisement that says: "The greatest tragedy is to be forgotten."

This is why we celebrate Veterans Day.
The area I grew up in,a suburb of New Orleans, has many hundreds if not thousands of veterans,many of them black. Of the high schools I went to at least four of my friends are veterans. In the little town I now live in, pop under 1100 there are also a great number of veterans with multiple families where all of the men,fathers and all sons served. And these were farming families where most of the work was done by those same fathers and sons. My own father,brother, and one of my sons served or are serving. My wife had two brothers serve and several nephews who served or are serving.I love to live in an area that fosters so much love of country, and appreciation for the principals that are espoused by our divine constitution. I understand that we have not fully achieved all of the goals set forth in that document, but neither will we achieve them by eroding the others or replacing the document.I am so proud of all those who served or are serving to defend those ideals for their dedication to this country and their sacrifice. Thank you Veterans, and thanks Dad for all you did in service to this country in the service and in our community.