Tobacco Fade


250+ Posts
So our local MBHD had a Grand American Launch Party yesterday to highlight some very cool new releases for the 2024 lineup. Food, Music, Test Rides and a bunch of fun stuff. As a lifelong guitarist and avid guitar collector, the Tobacco Fade new paint scheme release is what really got my attention. Speaking with my "guy" at Harley, he told me that HD did 2000 bikes in this new paint, They were distributed throughout the country but they don't know how many of each model were done this way.

The 3 models that they chose are the Lowrider ST, the Ultra Limited, and the Tri Glide Ultra ... my shop actually got one of the Tri Glides but it didn't even make it through the day before someone snapped it up. So far I do see that you can order a Tri in this very very outstanding finish (imo) for a sweet $4,000.00 upcharge. I love this color!

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