velour seats


10+ Posts
what are the pros and cons of velour seats versus vinyl seats or any other kinds of seats are velour worth it
what are the pros and cons of velour seats versus vinyl seats or any other kinds of seats are velour worth it

I'm thinking if you get them wet, Rain ETC. they will be like one of those hand mitts you use to wash cars with.......
Had one on my 1500 Gold Wing. Absolutely loved it. No hot seat from sitting in the sun.

I did use a rain cover when needed.

That's also the bike I usually covered when ever it was parked outside.
what are the pros and cons of velour seats versus vinyl seats or any other kinds of seats are velour worth it


i don't get funk butt

does'nt burn my butt after sitting in the sun.

i don't sweat like i do on vinyl seats.


gets wet if it rains.

can't use drivers backrest if you have the rain cover on. unless you have a special cover made.
Hello fund150

I have had both, I have the velour now, I had it for 5 or 6 years, love it. but like any thing on a bike you need to take care of it, keep it clean, cover for it when it rains, ( it not a big deal if it does get wet, just dry with a towel as much as you can and it will completely dry quickly ) or mine does. not as hot in the summer and not as cold in the winter.

ride safe and often