0600 hrs


Gold Member
I don't contribute here on the military thread for personal reasons. But I'm going to try this as my own therapy.

At 0600 hrs every morning FOX news plays our National Anthem. When ever I hear it, I feel greatfull and proud as to being an American.

Being an early bird , I will try to continue this thread with just a 🇺🇸 . Wish I knew how to make it larger :Shrug:

God Bless America.
I appreciate the info on fox news playing the National Anthem.

Life is hard on a lot of prior military personnel, we are a breed of our own.

I have breakfast with 9 other guys each Wednesday. We are all veterans and all have issues and we just enjoy being together.

It is great to be an American. Jim
Still on our way to Deadwood, but in a round about way because made it to Oregon from the central states and now will start making our way northeast before dropping back down.

Last weekend coming through Nebraska we stopped at an Applebees, I think it was in North Platte. Right up front next to the handicap parking was a space with a sign "Reserved for Veterans". I know our local Applebees in Cape Coral give free meals to all veterans on Veterans Day, but this was the first time I had seen a reserved parking space for us.