Cleaning of GoldWing front aluminum rim

Hi folks, Just bought my first trike :Trike1: after riding a 2 wheeler forever and found this site. Need help as to what to use to clean up front aluminum rim please? Thanks in advance, 03tntrike
Get you a can of aluminum wheel polish and a huge amount of elbow grease and then rub and rub and rub. When you get it as shiney as you want it put a good coat of wax on it. When I have some rough corroded spots I will put the polish on some triple aught steel wool. Good luck that will be a good project in this winter weather. Been thinking about doing the same thing to mine!
Cleaning of Golwing front aluminum wheel

Go to any good auto supply store and get a jar/can of Mother's Mag & Aluminum polish and then go home and spend lots of time and elbow grease on the wheel. You'll probally have to do the wheel several time to get the desired effect you want depending on the condition. Put the creme on with cotton balls and rub til it turns pitch black and then wipe it off with a good quality cotton rag and when the area ic clean, buff it with a mico-fiber cloth. When that's done move to another section of the wheel and repeat the process. It will take some time so don't become frustrated; just keep at it. When the entire wheel is done to your satisfaction, wax the rim with a good quality wax for added protection. Clean the wheel when you get home after every ride and reapply the Mother's polish every six months or so. Save up your money and exchange it for a chrome wheel when your ready; saves lots of time and you'll like the looks even better. Hope this helps you.
I've used mothers on my wheels for years. I also use a mothers ball on my drill takes out a lot of the elbow pain. Welcome to Trike Talk from SE Missouri.
This may sound a little strange however it worked well for me. I used a bar of Lava hand soap and a small brush to scrubb till clean and then polished after dry. This worked for me from 2003 to 2015 when I went to a new trike with black wheels. Will be trying it on this new one. Hope the powder coat can handle it also.:AGGHH:
Thanks all for the info, Mothers it will be with the drill :clapping:.
Also, thanks for the WELCOME, I look forward to the info on trike talk.
Hello TN Triker and from the U.P of Michigan welcome to the website. I have used several different methods and the Mothers Ball works about the best. But one thing I've done to protect the rim is spray with PAM . Nothing sticks to it , and after every wash I spray just a light coat again. Just a thought. Ride safe, stop in often.
I have found that it requires a lot of good old fashioned elbow grease and the next procedure. First remove the wheel from the bike. Then wash it thoroughly. Next you need to purchase or have ready the following items to make your wheel look like its chromed. 200, 400, 600, 800,1000, and 1200 grit wet sandpaper. You first start off with the 200 using water and you sand the wheel on all the flat areas, not on the rough textured inner part of the spokes. Rinsing it thoroughly between each upgrade in paper weight. When completed I washed it again with soap and water and blew it dry with an air compressor. I like to use a product that I bought at Bike Week (Daytona) called Black Diamonds by a nice gentleman from SC. But and other light polishing product should work. All I ever have to do to renew the appearance is to once in a while reapply the Black diamonds and rub it off. It truly shines almost like chrome. If you wish I could send a picture of it.