Maggie Valley 2011 Photos

Scalp Hunter

TOI - Texas
OK folks, we're still on the road, right now in Johnson City Tn. We will be leaving tomorrow AM for the 1300 mile trip home. Hope to be there sometime Friday afternoon. I finally found a motel with a decent internet wi-fi connection and was able to post my pictures. there are only 300 of them, but I tried go get at least 1 picture of everyone at the rally. If I missed someone, I appologize, but I think I got over 90 percent of the attendees.
You can click on the link below to get to the gallery, and once there you can view it as a slideshow or as individual pictures. They are all very high resolution and should blow up nicely. You are free to download any or all of them if you desire. Enjoy


PS: to download; simply right click on the photo and select "save picture as" and select a destination on your computer and hit enter.
What memories, What memories!!! Those pictures just make me smile.... I had such a great weekend with all of you! Thank for making it special, everyone! and thank you for posting all these pictures, Scalp Hunter!

Wow, great collection of photos, John! Nice mix of faces, trikes, events, and local scenery. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Great pictures John. Wanna be back there right now!

Mom and I agreed that the picture you took of us is the ONLY good picture we have together.. ever. haha. ThumbUp

Our wonderful caterers grilled burgers and hotdogs with all the fixings including chili to top them, served them up with pasta salad, potato salad, coleslaw, fresh vegie tray, cold soft drinks, tea, and lemonade, and topped it all off with oreo pie for dessert!


Dale Walksler and his son Matt were wonderful hosts on Saturday, joining in the meal, opening up the museum at a discount for our group, providing door prizes, and in general making us incredibly welcome!


Our fearless leader, Bazooka (Randy), was loving the opportunity to meet so many of y'all! He found himself a prime spot where he could do a little personal meet-n-greet as you moved through line to get your food.


Well Mr Scalphunter. Is that all you took? LOL Thanks for the memories my man. I will of course carry my coin everywhere...Thanks again for a magical time..(Beer)
John, thanks for sharing the pics and the meomories of such a great gathering in the valley. We look forward to the next one next year.

Dean & Lynne
I was unable to attend the rally this year, but these wonderful pictures make me feel like I was there! Thanks to all that are sharing their photos so we can all see the wide variety of trikes that were there and the lovely scenery in Maggie Valley...........