Not Good News

Great news, Chuck. You remain in our prayers...we're all pulling for you and for a speedy recovery. ThumbUp
Barb says Chuck is continuing to recuperate, and is extremely thankful for his blessings….especially that his breathing is easier! :D
CC is progressing very well. He is walking a half mile in therapy the last few days and will be coming home Monday afternoon. Chuck and Barb are thankful for the many thoughts and prayers.
Glad to hear Keith! Hey Chuck...if you're reading this, I hope you're feeling better buddy! We've been praying for you.
Nana's CRS is kickin in again. She apparently forgot to post that CC is coming home this afternoon. I'll stop to by to see him tomorrow and maybe have one or three of Barb's cookies.
LOL! No, didn't forget, Veronica, just hadn't had a chance to yet. Thanks for posting for me :).
and tomorrow, please give both of those sweet people a hug frm me.
Just a brief update……
Chuck has been home for several days, his strength is building as he walks around the house and Barb says his breathing continues to be very comfortable with his regular oxygen supplement -- thank God for the dramatic improvement following his surgery! The biggest negative right now is that the weather in Ohio continues to be brutally cold and snow seems to continue falling every other day, so he is not able to get out in the fresh air even briefly yet. The forecast is bringing them hope of a bit of a thaw with milder temperatures late this week, and they have their fingers crossed.

Thank you all again for the caring and prayer support. Chuck and Barb are so very appreciative, and believe it has made a real difference for him through this very traumatic experience.
Thanks for the "Chuck update". He remains in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy, and complete, recovery. ThumbUp
Phew ! that was a close one. I am convinced if it were not for all your prayers, this ole boy would not be posting this note of appreciation right now.

Yes I have been home a few days but just dint feel up to messing with computer. For those that might be interested, I live with lung problems and use oxygen 24/7, but have done fine until recently. A GIANT BULLAE (bul-lie) had attached itself to my left lung and grown to the size of a foot ball, crowding the lung to point of collapse. So I was rushed to OSU Medical center and they performed a BULLECTOMY. AKA removed the giant bullae from my lung cavity.

I was told that I would probably be on a ventilator for a few days after surgery. When I woke up in recover, the first thing I noticed was NO VENTILATOR. I was half sitting up in bed, no pain and breathing on my own.

Yes prayers do work. For those that would like to learn more about this disease, this site has a few one minute videos of the procedure.

Once again thanks to everyone who sent prayers, I am still here and very grateful. Special thanks to KW and Nana for posting updates along the way.
Please continue to lift Chuck in your prayers…. He was hospitalized over the weekend again with high temperature and pneumonia. He is home again today, but this continuous struggle all winter is just beating him up!!! I'm hoping spring weather will arrive soon and that the warmth will make a positive difference for his lungs.
Chuck - keep up the good fight. You folks remain in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. ThumbUp