Prayers for Honey

May the Lord's will be done as I prayerfully request the best possible outcome for you, your wife, and family.

Honey entered hospice today. They give her only a few days. Thinking of all the good times many involved the trike. And my Trike Talk extended family. Thank u for your thoughts and prayers. I may have more time to spend with you now. It has been a. Real bad 2 years.
Hopefully she is now comfortable & does not suffer as she goes through this phase.
Hospice care is tough to handle emotionally for all, but the care givers there are really compassionate & do what very few are willing or able to do.
I had a friend in a similar situation last year & he insisted on going home to pass.
He got to leave the hospice facility, & lived another 3 months at home as he wanted.
God bless her and you, as well as your loved ones in this difficult time.
John, you and Honey are in our prayers. Hopefully hospice can keep her comfortable. God be with you both in this difficult time.
Honey passed away at 3:00 this morning. RIP.
35 years of fighting for her life and she always had a smile on her face. She said in the end. "I am fighting as hard as I can but I not winning this time am I"