TT North East Rally - Thank you


TOI - New Jersey
We recently returned from our 1st Trike Rally, held this year in the rolling and scenic hills of NW Connecticut. We had a great time "meeting and greeting" all the folks we talk to on TT and riding with them throughout the beautiful contryside - including two covered bridges. In particular we want to thank John Luciano and the Rally committee - spiritdream, Jonsey, Rosy & Coach 64 (hope I didn't miss anyone) for their dedicated work that, in my book, made this event a great success. You folks did a great job...


See you next year... :wave4:
Warren, it was a pleasure meeting you & your lovely wife. I'm so happy you had a good time, and I look forward to seeing you both again next year! I hope everyone had a great time - that's what it's all about!! ThumbUp
Well, from all the posts I have read, it Lloks like everyone enjoyed the Rally this year, and the committee did a great job.............I attended last year and had a wonderful time, was unable to go this year because of a previous committment.........but I look forward to seeing everyone again next year!
3rd straight NETT rally for us and even without trike this year, still a great time and a great group of people.
Warren and Barbara
This was our 2nd TTNE rally, like Bozo, I also was unable to ride our trike. But we had a wonderful time with all of last years friends and meeting many new friends this year.
I must thank all of you for your kind words and thoughts and prayers. Had my surgery on 8/30 (kidney removed), went home 9/3, staples out 9/5, Cystogram on 9/9 and catherer out same day. Urologist gave a great report that PM cancer had not spread to any other organs. Do not have to see him for 3 months. I just have to rest up gain strength and I am back in business.
Again thank all of you. Tom
That's great news Tom, just take it slow for a while and you'll be back on the trike in no time.
Warren and Barbara
This was our 2nd TTNE rally, like Bozo, I also was unable to ride our trike. But we had a wonderful time with all of last years friends and meeting many new friends this year.
I must thank all of you for your kind words and thoughts and prayers. Had my surgery on 8/30 (kidney removed), went home 9/3, staples out 9/5, Cystogram on 9/9 and catherer out same day. Urologist gave a great report that PM cancer had not spread to any other organs. Do not have to see him for 3 months. I just have to rest up gain strength and I am back in business.
Again thank all of you. Tom

That's great news, Tom - please ck your PM's
All great news Tom!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear you will be at next years NETT Rally, yea I guess I read differently then most, chat with ya soon!
GREAT NEWS..Prayers answered!!! OK, here is the BIG QUESTION, when is Pam getting her new trike? LOL..
We will see you next year!


Rosy & Janice
From NH
Great news Tom. My wife, Cynthia, and I really enjoyed talking to you and your wife at our table during the dinner. Looking forward to seeing you at next year's rally.