Welcome California Sidecar

Papa Zook

Staff member
Please join me in welcoming California Sidecar to TrikeTalk.com as an leading industry partner. They will be here to help answer any questions you might have about their products so feel free to call them or contact them here via post or PM should you have any questions or comments.

Glad to see C.S.C has joined us !

Welcome C.S.C to Trike Talk !

For the past 6 months I been trying to decide if I should sell my Harley for a Gold wing.
After much research, and gathering lots of positive information here on T.T. I have decided to go with the 2015 G.W. with C.S.C Viper Kit. One of the main reasons I went with the G.W was C.S.C. I have found out you guys have the best warranty on the market ! I love the look of the Viper, with your engineering I feel I made the right decision. I have a C.S.C dealer about 15 minutes from me, so I got to do a test drive. The first thing that sold me was the Steering. It felt like I could steer the trike with one finger ! it was that easy. Also loved the I.R.S. Wow what a great ride ThumbUp
I bought the trike from Dodds Trikes and Bikes, and am Happy I did. Leon seems to be a great stand up guy to deal with. He really cares about his customers :clapping:

Again CSC Welcome to Trike Talk !
Welcome from New Jersey.....Ive seen some of your work a few years ago at a dealer in Pa. [Rusty Palmer] They really impressed me 'But at the time i wasn't into Trike's..Now that i think about it that was 9+years ago... Time fly's when your Trike'n...:cxtv: Well anyway Welcome aboard.....ThumbUp
Welcome California Sidecar to Trike Talk!!!

My wife and I are lovin' life on our CSC Kruze trike you all built on our Kawasaki 1700 Nomad and matching Escapade trailer!
Welcome, CSC! I've been wondering why you didn't have a formal presence here yet. I'm glad you are here now. I am really loving my Cobra XL kit--wished I'd converted years ago!
Welcome from South Florida:wave4:

It's great to have you aboard.ThumbUp

You are probably just starting into the production of my Viper kit for a 2009 Goldwing.

Thanks for working with me and answering all of my questions over the past 14 months.

A special thanks goes out to both Dwight and Cassidy for helping me through the decision making process.ThumbUp

The CSC customer support along with their great product sold me.