Highest Mileage/Longest Trip

After having the TP on my GL1500 for a couple of months, I was wondering who out there has the highest mileage on their kit. Also curious to see who has done the longest trip with their kit. Doesn't matter to me what brand just something that has made me curious. I have a buddy that is considering one for his 1800 and this weekend he will see mine for the first time as we have a short day ride up to Union WV planned.

I would also like to thank dadztoy for his willingness to assist me with multiple questions over the journey thus far.

Mileage-about 500 but will add a couple hundred more Saturday.
Longest Trip-200 miles coming home the day I had it installed.

Thanks for the kind words Rex - appreciate your comments... I reckon I have in excess of 10K or so on my TP now... Longest trip, about 1500 miles I think from my house in Eastern TN over to top of the Natchez Trace around Nashville and then down to Natchez, MS and then over to New Orleans and then back home... A trouble free trip even on the bumpy roads of New Orleans...

Only problem that was had was a loose bolt on one fender bracket...

My trip to Maggie Valley two weeks ago was 2560 round trip. Took two days down and two days back at around 500 miles per day. The rest of the mileage was riding in the Smokeys.......
My trip to Maggie Valley two weeks ago was 2560 round trip. Took two days down and two days back at around 500 miles per day. The rest of the mileage was riding in the Smokeys.......


I must admit that I don't do near the mileage that many do. Prior to the TP, we took a trip to Land between the Lakes. This was about 1,420 miles over 5 days riding two up with the wife. I know for a fact that I couldn't handle 500 mile days back to back. I respect those that do. This was the trip that convinced me to go with the TP. Our "long" days made me realize I didn't have the stamina to feel safe on two wheels while being responsible for someone else. Her safety is to important to me.

I must admit that I don't do near the mileage that many do. Prior to the TP, we took a trip to Land between the Lakes. This was about 1,420 miles over 5 days riding two up with the wife. I know for a fact that I couldn't handle 500 mile days back to back. I respect those that do. This was the trip that convinced me to go with the TP. Our "long" days made me realize I didn't have the stamina to feel safe on two wheels while being responsible for someone else. Her safety is to important to me.

For that trip I only did the 500 miles due to time restrictions with my vacation and it being a holiday weekend. I usually stay off the roads on holidays but from what I had heard about MV, I HAD to make this trip.
Before I had my Venture converted to a trike. I bought it in FL and road it to NH. I stopped to visit an old air force buddy and two classmates on the way home. I took 4 days to make the trip doing the following miles from day one to day four, 550, 120, 640 and 440. The only bad thing about me doing the long days is that it is 99% freeway riding.... I would much prefer taking 8 days and do secondary roads. Hopefully in a couple years, I will spend my days finding fantastic back roads to ride.
Welcome to Trike Talk from Missouri. Glad you are getting the answers to your question. Riders here are great sharing their information. Ride safe and have fun.

I must admit that I don't do near the mileage that many do. Prior to the TP, we took a trip to Land between the Lakes. This was about 1,420 miles over 5 days riding two up with the wife. I know for a fact that I couldn't handle 500 mile days back to back. I respect those that do. This was the trip that convinced me to go with the TP. Our "long" days made me realize I didn't have the stamina to feel safe on two wheels while being responsible for someone else. Her safety is to important to me.

Me too Rex... In my younger days doing 6-700 miles a day wasn't a problem, albeit a long day... Now - 3-400 mile days are about all I can handle and usually considerably less... AAMOF, these days, my bike/trike usually reside in the back of my F-250 on the Rampage Lift until we get to our riding destination... Then we unload the bike/trike and ride for the day... Still riding though and that's what counts!! ThumbUp
Well after yesterday I can now say my longest trip with the TP is 250 miles. We had everything from interstate to country roads with some really nice twisties. Was riding in a group of 6 bikes so the pace on the twisties was reasonable. On a couple of the tighter curves the rider behind me said that it looked like I lifted a wheel a couple of times. Never felt unstable and the TP did fine. My wife enjoyed the security the bike now has and I am certain that our long term plans will include another trike at some point in the future. I really like the GL1500 but don't expect it will be my last bike.