Wondering if it's time ...............

Yeah, been wondering if it's time to sell the trike & trailer & liquidate gear, just give it up?

I'm just 66 now, my local GWRRA chapter never was really local, it is like an hour's drive one way to meetings, etc, been with it since '97, even was director for 6 years, met many great friends, tremendous fun on rides, gatherings, fundraisers, even on district staff for awhile, … I know, there's more to riding than chapter life, but we enjoyed the people, grew to love it … then in '16 my riding was curtailed, huge health issue, then a winter of treatment followed by recovery, then a relapse, then long spell in ER & ICU, more treatment, mom's passing, a stem cell transplant, shingles (bad case in left side), one good ride in summer 2018, couple shorter rides in 2019. Sold the GL1200 & the Triumph, have not missed either. I still have some balance issues (likely permanent), I tire easily, but I know I am lucky just to be here.

I still enjoy driving whether car or truck, I still like tinkering on the trike too, but the chapter is about dried up, most older members gone elsewhere … or passed on. We did a lot of riding alone in years past, not always group rides, we thought nothing of taking off for three - four days alone on the bike or trike … but we were both younger then too. My wife never mentions taking a ride like she used to. I know if we get out, that's likely the end of it for us and 2 or 3 wheelers … and I know she's OK with that, maybe even relieved?

In '18, that last longer ride we took, a fellow with us, some 20 years my senior, when we stopped for refreshment, I asked why he still did it? He just shrugged.

I'm not concerned with getting "X" amount $$$ out of the trike, we got into it decent enough and had good times for many years. If I decide to cut it loose, it'll move fast enough. I go down and work on it, clean it, etc … I enjoy that, I really do. But I wonder ... will I enjoy rides like I used to? I know that from here on out, they'll mostly be rides alone or just us two. No kids. It's a gorgeous trike, but just today we took a drive in my pickup, gotta say I really enjoyed that. We have other vehs, her Subaru, her Mustang, fun drivers too.

Yeah, it's been on my mind a lot. How does one know?:Shrug:
Yeah, been wondering if it's time to sell the trike & trailer & liquidate gear, just give it up?

I'm just 66 now, my local GWRRA chapter never was really local, it is like an hour's drive one way to meetings, etc, been with it since '97, even was director for 6 years, met many great friends, tremendous fun on rides, gatherings, fundraisers, even on district staff for awhile, … I know, there's more to riding than chapter life, but we enjoyed the people, grew to love it … then in '16 my riding was curtailed, huge health issue, then a winter of treatment followed by recovery, then a relapse, then long spell in ER & ICU, more treatment, mom's passing, a stem cell transplant, shingles (bad case in left side), one good ride in summer 2018, couple shorter rides in 2019. Sold the GL1200 & the Triumph, have not missed either. I still have some balance issues (likely permanent), I tire easily, but I know I am lucky just to be here.

I still enjoy driving whether car or truck, I still like tinkering on the trike too, but the chapter is about dried up, most older members gone elsewhere … or passed on. We did a lot of riding alone in years past, not always group rides, we thought nothing of taking off for three - four days alone on the bike or trike … but we were both younger then too. My wife never mentions taking a ride like she used to. I know if we get out, that's likely the end of it for us and 2 or 3 wheelers … and I know she's OK with that, maybe even relieved?

In '18, that last longer ride we took, a fellow with us, some 20 years my senior, when we stopped for refreshment, I asked why he still did it? He just shrugged.

I'm not concerned with getting "X" amount $$$ out of the trike, we got into it decent enough and had good times for many years. If I decide to cut it loose, it'll move fast enough. I go down and work on it, clean it, etc … I enjoy that, I really do. But I wonder ... will I enjoy rides like I used to? I know that from here on out, they'll mostly be rides alone or just us two. No kids. It's a gorgeous trike, but just today we took a drive in my pickup, gotta say I really enjoyed that. We have other vehs, her Subaru, her Mustang, fun drivers too.

Yeah, it's been on my mind a lot. How does one know?:Shrug:

How does one know...:Shrug:..You might be telling yourself its time but just make sure that your not letting all this crap thats going on right now putting you in a 'for lack of a better word 'A Funk'.....
How does one know...:Shrug:..You might be telling yourself its time but just make sure that your not letting all this crap thats going on right now putting you in a 'for lack of a better word 'A Funk'.....
Oh, I hear you loud & clear. You're right too. It's been in mind for months now, but insurance & tags & inspection are all good through August, so I've been in no rush. "Wife" & I have talked about it a couple times too since selling the last bike in 2019. We decided then to give the trike another year. If I was selling a car or truck, it'd be done … but I know that once I do this, if I do this, that is likely "it" for bikes / trikes. Likely, not definitely, but very likely.

I had a "come off" at 70 mph in 1977, got real lucky too, only two weeks in the hospital laying on my stomach, was still living at home, saw fear in my mother's eyes when I mentioned motorcycles so I "let go" then until a day in 1994, she was not pleased when "Wife" & I showed up for a visit on 2 wheels.
God bless you it's not time for me, I waited 40 years to get a Harley it's paid for and I'm keeping it till I die. We all have a good reason for what we I respect that good luck on your choice. Travel safe Fred
I've got a few 3 three wheeled an two wheeled bikes. None have any value other than to me. They won't be leaving here anytime soon. I haven't made an overnight trip on any of them since 2004. I don't think I've put more than 1500 miles combined on them. Cancer surgery in 2004 has left me with some baggage. Oh well I'm happy to be here. I like just looking at my stuff. If it's all I can do someday, then so be it.:) Never been a social butterfly so no loss there.
Yeah, it's been on my mind a lot. How does one know?:Shrug:

I've always figured that I will just know ... probably when the bugs in my teeth, aches in my back, sunburn on my noodle get to bother me more than the ride clearing my head frees me.

I can't think of a single thing in the world that gets me out of my own head space (trust me ... nobody wants to be there) better than riding.

Best RX.jpeg

For the record, I don't care what bike/trike it is ... as long as I can ride.
it's paid for and I'm keeping it till I die.

Said the same thing at one time cept I wanted my son to have it.

But it's sitting in the garage, depreciating. My problem is 'butt-burn' sets in in about 45 minutes on the bike, but I can drive the car all day without a problem. What's up with that?

I'm 75 ............ Finally had to give it up. Only because of health issues. I'd still be riding otherwise. 60 yrs of riding fun. Even in Nam. :D Where you are, I'd never run out of road. :clapping:
I retired in '15. Had health issues and sold out in '16. Got a Miata. Drove it for year and loved it. What can I say. I bought another bike in '18. Traded it for a Trike in '19. It's cheaper to keep what you have than to buy new in a few years.
But it's sitting in the garage, depreciating. My problem is 'butt-burn' sets in in about 45 minutes on the bike, but I can drive the car all day without a problem. What's up with that?PC
Pressure on the coccyx will do that. That's the "tail bone" in case I misspelled it. My GL1200's OEM seat was like that, worse than the thinly padded seat on my '74 Triumph even. I trtied gell pads, cutting foam, adding foam, finally bought a Corbin seat, cured it for me.

Buddy of mine who doesn't ride had to carry and use a "donut" pillow in his police car for like the last 6 or 8 years before he retired. If he got out of his police car to set in mine just to talk like if we were working together, he brung the pillow. I notice he still has one in his personal car.

Ever have a helmet that just barely touches an ear …. just drive you crazy? Awful.

Thanks everyone for replies. Lot's of good point of views shared. It's not something needs doing right away, so we'll see how it goes next couple months.
If you decide to sell now, and later have second thoughts, its too late!

(unless you get lucky and find another conversion in your price range?)
I'm 75 and I went for almost two years without a bike because of health issues. Some of the health issues remain but I was determined I was not going to be the guy that sat in his recliner all day. I searched over a year looking for a trike I could afford,Then I found this Freewheeler to ride. I no longer have to go out for days at a time. Just going for a short ride to the next town for lunch is good enough for me. It keeps me riding and happy. I was totally bored without a bike to ride. Even now I don't ride everyday, just when I can. I don't have anything to prove to anyone and that takes any preceived pressure off me. I just enjoy being out in the breeze.

You will make the decision that is right for you in the end. I wish you luck.
Les, what you're going through is a tough call for sure. The Misses and I are both 75 and love riding, we don't belong to any groups, not even our local HOG chapter. We just like to go for a ride and get the fresh air although there is usually a restaurant or ice cream involved, sometimes it's 60 miles and other days it's 200. You and the wife are the only one's that can make that decision, I wish you the best.
When reading a post like this it makes me sad because at 67 i know one day too i will be making this same tough decision. My wife had to stop riding her own bike in 2013 because of balance issues and muscular issue in her hands.It broke her heart because her 93 FXLR was her baby,bought it new and put every one of the 75,000 miles on it,so in 16 we got our first trike and it was life changing for her.As others have said take your time and make sure its the right decision at the right time,good luck to you.
The sad or down side to this issue is when riders refuse to accept the inevitable and continue to ride,then have a serious accident.

No doubt this is a tough decision to make and I hope for all our sakes we will make the right decision when it is necessary.