Do You Wear Less Safety Gear On A Trike?


250+ Posts
With 2 wheels I've always worn full safety gear. Safety Coats, pants, boots, Air Vest, Gloves. Full Face Helmet etc.

Now I'll be on 3 wheels and feel safer, and no balance issues.

Wondering if anyone cut back on safety gear when they switched to riding a trike? I'm not sure I'll need everything I wore before. I'll still be safe, but maybe not wear everything.
with 2 wheels I've always worn full safety gear. Coats, pants, boots, Air Vest, Gloves. Full Face Helmet etc.

Now I'll be on 3 wheels and feel safer, and no balance issues.

Wondering if anyone cut back on safety gear when they switched to riding a trike? I'm not sure I'll need everything I wore before. I'll still be safe, but maybe not wear everything.

Cutting back on safety gear is a decision only you can make...I still wear a helmet [Half] and boots and gloves....I Don't use my heavy leather motorcycle jacket for every day rides, I will wear it in the winter for warmth ....As with a full face helmet....
Cutting back on safety gear is a decision only you can make...I still wear a helmet [Half] and boots and gloves....I Don't use my heavy leather motorcycle jacket for every day rides, I will wear it in the winter for warmth ....As with a full face helmet....

Falling over may no longer be an issue for you but there are still numerous ways to get hurt. I have seen guys wearing shorts and flip-flops but there is no way I'd go that far. In fact I'd highly suggest the safety vest be used. That idiot left hand turner is still out there as is the idiot roaring up behind you at the stop sign, texting, instead of paying attention to what he should be paying attention to. No, the hazards are still there but enjoy 3 instead of 2. I'm not there yet but getting darn close.
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Yes, All state required gear half helmet with glasses. Bright colored shirt to be seen better. Extra driving lights front and back with brake lite flashers. Always looking around at other drivers. I do not drive the interstate, I have no need for speed.

Be Safe............
Wondering if anyone cut back on safety gear when they switched to riding a trike? I'm not sure I'll need everything I wore before. I'll still be safe, but maybe not wear everything.

I did not cut back on any riding safety gear when I went to 3 wheels.

Previous posts have addressed the issue fairly well.
Helmet as an absolute minimum. Other gear is recommended. My accident was a farm implement dealer driving on the right shoulder deciding to make a left turn when four of us on trikes were practically beside him. Stupidly, I was riding without a helmet. Slammed into the rear wheel near forty miles an hour broadside - my head hit the wheel, shattering my sunglasses which cut my eyelid (luck saved the eye), breaking my jaw in several places, slicing up my nose. Several surgeries required. Believe it also contributed to the retina in the right eye detaching some years later. Helmet.
Cutting back on safety gear is a decision only you can make

I concur

Having said that, I rode two wheelers with shorts, t-Shirts and tennis shoes and always eye protection. So, no, I didn't cut back on safety gear when I ride 3 wheels.

So does my riding gear ever change, of course it does. I range from shorts, t-Shirts and tennis shoes and always eye protection to Armored Jacket with electric liner, Lined Jeans, boots with heated socks and heavy leather gloves, also electric and a full face helmet ... and just about anything in-between.

I dress for the environment, more when it's cold, less when it's hot. I wear lightweight long sleeves and pants when on a long summer ride to prevent sun burn.

I've always looked at it as I decided to participate in a very dangerous and exciting hobby. Does that mean I need to change how I dress ... maybe, but, not to my way of thinking. I don't wear bubble wrap when I leave the house even though the statistics clearly show someone of my age is more likely to injure themselves in a fall than most folks. I just put more effort in keeping myself safe by being observant of what's going on around me which makes me as safe as I can be. If I were to wear all the gear, all the time, I would just quit riding.

Not advocating my views for anyone else, just expressing my reasoning, however flawed.
I always wear a helmet, jeans, gloves, eye protection and long sleeve shirt in hot weather. In cold weather I of course add jacket (leather) and sometimes leather pants if really cold and maybe go to a full face helmet. In hot weather I have thought about shorts and T-shirt but as others have said even on a trike you can end up getting off. When I first started riding over 50 years ago I went down with no helmet, gloves etc. Lost some skin but nothing major. Learned my lesson.

We wear boots, jeans, gloves, and a 1/2 helmet in the summer, full face helmet in the winter along with some heavier boots.
Cutting back on safety gear is a decision only you can make...I still wear a helmet [Half] and boots and gloves....I Don't use my heavy leather motorcycle jacket for every day rides, I will wear it in the winter for warmth ....As with a full face helmet....

I think Bob aka rhino 2, said it best.
I wear my Boots & armor & Modular Helmet. I just got a Free Wheeler last Sept as I did on my Sportster.
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You mean All State Insurance???

Yes, All state required gear half helmet with glasses. Bright colored shirt to be seen better. Extra driving lights front and back with brake lite flashers. Always looking around at other drivers. I do not drive the interstate, I have no need for speed.

Be Safe............
Boots, jeans , long sleeve denim shirt, leather gloves' 3/4 helmet and glasses.

That's all I've ever worn on two or three.

I have considered ditching the boots since going to three but haven't.
Always a helmet, and hi viz jacket............I drive the speed limit, and keep my eye's peel'd for morons pulling out in front of me....and hope for the best! I can't live in fear, all my life...

With the high heat we have had this month (July) I have not worn a mesh jacket like I would have normally. I do wear a long sleeve shirt with helmet, gloves, jeans (always), and boots. The first few rides without the jacket were strange to get use to. Now it seems normal. I don't go that far or am in much traffic so I think I am ok.
I wear my Boots & armor & Modular Helmet. I just got a Free Wheeler last Sept as I did on my Sportster.

I had thought about a Modular helmet when I ran 2 wheels. Never did it and am now thinking it might be time. High heat and stop lights just don't go together.

What brand helmet do you wear and is it a quiet one?