77 wing frankenstien

Working on a 77 Standard, have a Pinto Squire rear axle and am looking for a suitable disk brake conversion kit to use with it.

So far, the only affordable ones I find require swapping over to a 5 bolt pattern.

I would prefer to stick to the 4 bolt as I have some real nice mag wheels to use here.

Any suggestions?
Working on a 77 Standard, have a Pinto Squire rear axle and am looking for a suitable disk brake conversion kit to use with it.

So far, the only affordable ones I find require swapping over to a 5 bolt pattern.

I would prefer to stick to the 4 bolt as I have some real nice mag wheels to use here.

Any suggestions?

I would check Ebay first as much as I hate them;)

Check for better pads here
