Trailer and Air Pressure in Trike Rear End

Jun 21, 2009
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Whortonsville, NC
Sometimes the obvious is not so readily identified.

Been hauling the Lil' Cargo trailer on this trip (3.5K miles so far) and since it was raining in San Diego this AM decided to leave it at the hotel while running some errands. I went two blocks on I-5 and realized I should have lowered the air pressure in the rear end of the Shadow. I was bouncing all up and down the road. Needless to say, got another thing for the checklist.

Sure am.

Plenty of adventures like losing my wallet in Baker, CA and getting a FB note from friend in NC saying someone contacted them about my wallet. Ended up driving 100 extra miles or so to get it back as by that time I had cancelled credit and debit cards and was headed to the Marine Base in Barstow to get see about get new ID card.

Or, coming down I-40 yesterday and passing through a town with gas at $4.29 a gallon and a sign reading "Next Services 55 Miles". Looked at tank mileage and decided I plenty to get there then would not have to worry about gas again until Needles. Place was called "Hi Sahara Oasis" and the name wasn't the only thing high. Regular gas: $4.999/gal, 20 oz bottle of Coke: $2.75, BLT Sandwich: $7.95. 35 Miles down the road in Needles gas was $4.69 and another 25 miles (inside AZ) it was $3.65.

Found no military hops available to Hawaii out of San Diego so that stunk. And the rains on the West Coast began playing havoc and Mr. Arthur I. Tis has settled in for a visit in the shoulders and knee I had operated on just before Christmas. Decided to terminate the trip and head home. Save WA and ME for a trip next year. Looks like 4 Corners will be a 3 year project for me.

But not all was lost. Got to see daughter and granddaughter. Visited friends from days in Nam, Korea, Japan, Korea, Philiipines, Raleigh NC and stopped to see some beautiful sites along the way. Road some great roads (Tail for the 4th time) and not so great roads (parts of Route 66 will make an ATV rider afraid). Hey, I'm doing something most 65 year old guys only read about.

Will do the travel log and post photo album when I get back next week. What good is a photo album without captions for the photos.

Enjoy Maggie Valley!

What a fantastic adventure!!!! I can't wait to read the travel log :)