New to trikes and new to the forum

Hello everyone!

Thanks to my dad's conniving, I ended up buying a trike last September. He got my daughter hooked on trike rides during one of our visits, so I had to either say "no" or start checking out possibilities when we got back home. My daughter sensed weakness somewhere after the first 100 times that I said "no" and my wife eventually stopped supporting my position as well. So here I am. :cool:

There are so many beautiful trikes out there to choose from and, in the end, I fell in love with the Carver One. It came down to a decision between having the wind and weather experience of an open trike versus the chance to retain the leaning experience that I loved so much as a motorcyclist. I really don't regret the choice at all.

My wife chose the color (flat black) and my daughter chose the nickname (batmobile). I'll see about taking a few pictures in the next few days and uploading them once I figure out how.

Hope to see you around!

Hello Chuck :D. Sounds like someone who loves you pointed you in the right direction...even over your own objections! Sounds just like a typical dad and daughter, both. LOL. Welcome to TrikeTalk. Hope you are active and participatory on here. The more you join in, the more fun you will have!

As for pictures----we long for them! So as soon as you can, start a personal album on your profile page. This link takes you to an earlier post that will talk you through the steps:
Welcome to the gang Chuck ! Don't fight it, it's useless...The more you ride and learn about the trikes, the bigger your grin gets....:yes:
Thanks for the welcome and the link, Nana. Uploading looks pretty straightforward after all. Now if I can just manage to sneak out of the house with my wife's camera ...

I'm in a different time zone (CET) and I'm randomly interrupted quite a bit while online, so my interaction on this site will probably seem a little strange at first. ;)
Welcome aboard, Chuck! As you've learned, resistance is futile--might as well give in and enjoy the ride! Eager to see your photos.
Welcome aboard Chuck! Man, I love that Carver! After triking our FLHX, my wife is really wanting one of those Carver's. What dealer did you get it from?
I believe you may be the first one here with a Carver. Some one correct me if I'm wrong!

Way cool.......

Welcome aboard!:wave4: So is that Vienna, Virginia, or the other one over there in Austria?:p
Looked on the Carver website, have been hearing about them for a few years. Can't get them here in the USofA, they say maybe late this year. Seems adaptations for the US market are pretty extensive.:mad:

Pictures would be great, along with reports on handling, ride, upkeep, accessories (both OEM and self made/adapted.)

Glad to have you with us! :yes:
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Welcome aboard Chuck! Man, I love that Carver! After triking our FLHX, my wife is really wanting one of those Carver's. What dealer did you get it from?
Hi Ultra!

They didn't have a local dealer, so I ended up buying it in Cremona, Italy. It was cheaper there than what they were asking in Munich, Germany, but the Italian bureaucracy nearly drove me crazy!

Did you actually convert your FLHX into a trike yourself?
Welcome aboard!:wave4: So is that Vienna, Virginia, or the other one over there in Austria?:p

Thanks Ozark. It's the other Vienna, the one over there! ;)

Looked on the Carver website, have been hearing about them for a few years. Can't get them here in the USofA, they say maybe late this year. Seems adaptations for the US market are pretty extensive.:mad:

Apparently the engine manufacturer (Daihatsu) has made some sort of legal stipulation that they will not support the sale of their engines in the USA. Since Van den Brink (Carver) invested so much in the engine, I think they're reluctant to go through that again with another engine model until this one begins to pay off.

In the meantime the Venture Vehicles is designing a greener, U.S. version -- based on the Carver's DVC technology -- called the Persu Hybrid. This apparently will be much cheaper and have better performance. I understand that they may have a working prototype available next year.

Pictures would be great, along with reports on handling, ride, upkeep, accessories (both OEM and self made/adapted.)

So far, everything that's attached to our Carver is OEM (except for the TomTom GPS). That's not much, but includes the "luggage" rack + case and the soft top.

I'll try to describe my experiences with the handling, ride, etc., once I get another quiet moment!
Chuck, On the FLHX, yes, it's a home-done. The Carver is really interesting, but alas, import into the US is going to be awhile, I'm afraid. Also, what the price in the US is going to be is a big unknown as well.
Oh well, "If ya have to ask........."
Actually it didn't take much convinsing lolol, his daughter had to go for a ride on my trike every day when they visited, :yes: i now get to ride a trike when I visit :cool: and since she is multi-lingual, she gets to tell grandpa where to go an keep me from being lost ;)


Carver is really kool. i saw a video on U tube a while back. They really can travel :yes:
I found some pictures that my wife and I took while she dragged me out geo-caching recently. I followed Nana's instructions and created my first album in my profile.

The six pictures show our Carver with the hard top. I'll see about getting some pictures of the Carver with the roll-down, soft top.

Let me know if there's a specific thing you want to see, like the engine or a full-tilt lean in maintenance mode.
Chuck, welcome to the board.. Those are some nice pictures.... Keep us posted on how U like the Carver.. I think it is the first one on the board...
They are making something like it in Calf. but it has not been released yet, waiting to see how it comes out... Good luck and enjoy....