New England rally

Everyone planning on meeting in Danbury on the 24th:
Leo, Mary, Bill, Sherry & anyone else

Route 84 East, exit # 2
Left turn at bottom of ramp,
2nd traffic light, turn Right, Mill Plain Rd.
( you cannot turn right at first light )
Go 1 1/2 miles - Windmill Diner on right
14 Mill Plain Rd
Sunoco Gas station across the street

I will see everybody on the 24th at about 12:00 noon, ride safe

Rally's really go smooth when we have people helping, I really appreciate all the help I am getting from the people that are coming. organizing dinner places, organizing rides, and meeting places. With out everyone pitching in this would be a monumental challenge. Who know how big this may get. THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE HELP. ThumbUp
Isn't it what people do in a club, help each other when possible. It is very difficult for one person to do everything.
You and the rest of the "crew" will do great! I am sure this rally will go down as one of the best ever.
Next year, I will try and help more than I did this year, because I will have an idea what is needed for the rally.
See Y'all soon!


From NH
If a see a big group of trikes on the road somewhere east of Hartford, I will assume it is all you guys. Look for the Bozo on my windshield if I blow by everyone.
Parking will be hard in Newport, I don't see everyone together in one lot. Don't plan on bringing trailers for sure. I'm planning on going down there during the week to refresh my mind on what changes may have happened since my last visit. John may be looking for someone to leave around 10ish to go to Newport to ride with him. I figure 8 o'clock group may be ready to get moving again by the time he gets there, I don't think John wants to just turn around and leave. If we get moving towards home around 1 o'clock go home byway of Mystic or even Foxwoods casino if enough interest is shown. If we stop for say a hour at Foxwoods you'll be able to donate some money to the indains if you are so inclined. This stop is only if everyone agrees, the place is huge so walking around a hour will fly, the a/c will feel good, and they have some bike parking near the doors there. Even if some want to spend more time in Newport thats good cause there are only 3 roads we take to get there and I'll have directions to get there for everyone so just reverse them to get back.
For the non gamblers there is a fabulous Indian museum . I could plan to just go directly to Foxwoods if that is going to be the plan. I have been to Newport. I could be in Foxwoods by 2:00. I could lead a ride that way for the people that want to leave after a breakfast at around 10. We can sort this out at the Fri lunch / dinner. Honey is not able to do a lot of walking. If anyone has any other wishes to see something else and leave at 10ish step up and ask. We can make a group. After all we have 15 trikes coming.
For the non gamblers there is a fabulous Indian museum . I could plan to just go directly to Foxwoods if that is going to be the plan. I have been to Newport. I could be in Foxwoods by 2:00. I could lead a ride that way for the people that want to leave after a breakfast at around 10. We can sort this out at the Fri lunch / dinner. Honey is not able to do a lot of walking. If anyone has any other wishes to see something else and leave at 10ish step up and ask. We can make a group. After all we have 15 trikes coming.

Would like to ride some in Newport before Foxwoods...
So I just tried to book our room at the Super 8. (I have to call back on Monday to talk to the manager to get our group rate.) Anyway, we finally can make a committment to attend. We'll be rolling in sometime friday afternoon.
I have a nice door prize I'll be bringing along.
Can't wait to see you all!

John, hope we get shirts if not I understand.
Thank you.
WooHoo!! That must mean that hubby is doing better??? That's terrific, and can't wait to see you both! And yes, you should have shirts - I told John to order them anyway, and I was just going to send them to you if you couldn't make it. ThumbUp

Not sure about the rate - I know they didn't give it to Mary when she tried to book her room, but if they DO give it to you, let us know so she can call them back too!

See you soon!! :D
Mine was $85.00 is that the group rate? What was the normal rate?
Glad to see you can make it. I have 10 door prizes so far. Nothing to get too excited about. No BBQ grill or flat screen TV. < LOL> .Do you have to spend 3 hours in the Museum or can you do it faster,I have never been.
Mine was $85.00 is that the group rate? What was the normal rate?
Glad to see you can make it. I have 10 door prizes so far. Nothing to get too excited about. No BBQ grill or flat screen TV. < LOL> .Do you have to spend 3 hours in the Museum or can you do it faster,I have never been.

John, when I spoke with Anthony, he told me the usual rate (at that time) was $89, and he was going to give our group a rate of $85 if they made reservations during the "holding period". He didn't say anything about after that, and I didn't ask, because I assumed (stupid, I know!) anyone coming would make their reservations before then. I know Mary just made her reservation the other day, and was told $99 - hopefully Joanne gets the "group" rate when she calls Monday, so Mary can call and get the better rate too!

As far as the Mashantucket Museum and Research Center, I believe you can leave whenever, but I don't think you'll want to take Honey through, at least not this trip - there's a TON of walking involved, and it's not all one level. There are ramps and elevators, so you don't need to worry about stairs, but still.....:Shrug: If you like Native American history - especially local - it's definitely worth the admission fee and the time involved, but you'll want to call and see if they have any wheelchair-type transportation for Honey. Maybe they have those "carts" like in the grocery stores?
What are the planned ride routes? We won't just be riding to Foxwoods and hanging out in the casino/museum, will we? Are there plans to ride around Newport? What is on the schedule? Thanks
Leo, if I read previous posts correctly, it's looking like maybe two "groups" being planned....

1-Jonesy is planning to lead one group leaving about 8am, heading to Newport. Hang around for a while (maybe lunch?), then head back about 1ish via Mystic - Foxwoods is an option if everyone wants and/or he'll provide directions back to the motel for anyone who wants to go off on their own.

2-John seems to be planning to head out around 10ish - I think Foxwoods and/or the museum were mentioned only because he'd just be getting to Newport about the time Jonesy figured the first group would be ready to leave.

I believe plans and/or choices are to be "finalized" at supper Friday night. Chime in here if I'm wrong, guys! :)