Tow Pac adjustments

I have recently reinstalled my Tow Pac on my GL1800. I do not have the manual that came with it. I would like to get one so that I can do a correct set-up. Help.
I have recently reinstalled my Tow Pac on my GL1800. I do not have the manual that came with it. I would like to get one so that I can do a correct set-up. Help.

Welcome aboard. Did you try Tow-pac for a manual?
I went online but found no sites to order or download a manual. I Suspect that I will have to call them. I just thought someone might have one and could fax or email a copy.
Thanks for your quick reply.
Brian, are you still looking for a Tow Pac manual??? If so, send me a private message and I'll get your FAX number or e-mail address...

Tow-Pac will send you a manual if you call. Don't know what they would charge though. You can also find adjustment instructions on-line.
Hey, Les
I need a Tow Pac Manual and saw this one you sent to Brian. Can you email the manual to me,


Brian never responded to me and we have just moved... I can send you a manual if you can wait a while - we just made the move to Tennessee and are currently "living out of boxes" and I have no functional scanner/copier yet... We live in a fairly rural area (about 2 hours from "The Dragon" and other great roads!!!) so getting into town to use a copier and/or post office isn't real easy like it was when we lived in suburban Chicago Once I get the scanner going I can just scan it and send you the files...

If you need it right away, you might want to consider calling Tow Pac - if you can wait a bit (2-3 weeks) when I buy my new all-in-one printer/scanner/copier, I can get it to you...
