67 yr old vet kicks thugs azz !

Messed with the wrong guy...should have quit when he was ahead, the guy got up and moved away from him.
gunsmoke-festus-resized.jpg That persplicity young buffler calf done wrangled with an old grizzly bar!

Mebbee so a wolf in sheeps clothin?

A shore nuff crocodile tamer?jungle-gecko.jpg

Alligator mouth got the best of his humming bird arse?smiles-BigGirlPanties1.gif


  • gunsmoke-Festus 2-resized.jpg
    gunsmoke-Festus 2-resized.jpg
    132.7 KB · Views: 127
You can tell that big fellow had swung a fist or two in his lifetime. I'll do my best to avoid a fight but when you got no choice swing hard and fast...make your first swing your last.

Last time I even came close to a situation like that was about 5 years ago. Some Hispanic dude in a lowrider truck pulled right out in front of me in a strip mall parking lot...came out of nowhere cutting across my lane. I locked my brakes and barely missed him and as he pulled away I saw he had a California tag which you don't see many of in South Alabama...Drug dealer/hauler came to mind, but who knows.

As I parked to get out of my truck I saw in my rear view he was trotting up to my driver's door. When I rolled the window down the curse words were flying out of his mouth and he was a BIG OLD Ugly Mean Looking Chicano Boy! When my Glock17 LazerMax beam crossed his eyes he changed his tune...he stuttered and said "Sir, I geeze come over to pologize for pullin' front of you!" Yeah that's what I thought...LOL
More of these idiots need a butt whooping like that. Surprised the rest of the bus didn't jump up and screaming applause.
The black guy was being egged on hard by the gal taking the video, who (see 1:30) stole older guy's bag with his shoes, wallet and money in it.
Nice video, love it when a punk gets what is coming to him, a month ago a guy at work taught a punk a lesson.
Guy goes into a circle K for some milk when some trash told him to give him 5 bucks, guy told him he didn't have it. He went in and bought 2 gallons of milk and paid for it with a debit card. When he came out the same turd told him to give him 5 bucks, when told by my coworker he didn't have 5 bucks the guy punched him. So my coworker punched the guy in the throat and began beating the crap out of him while he had the chance. The turds girlfriend decided she didn't want to see daddy turd take a beating alone so she climbed on my coworkers back and tried to claw his eyes, he pulled her over the top and with on shot knocked the turdett out. The turd hasn't been seen around that circle K lately.
Nice video, love it when a punk gets what is coming to him, a month ago a guy at work taught a punk a lesson.
Guy goes into a circle K for some milk when some trash told him to give him 5 bucks, guy told him he didn't have it. He went in and bought 2 gallons of milk and paid for it with a debit card. When he came out the same turd told him to give him 5 bucks, when told by my coworker he didn't have 5 bucks the guy punched him. So my coworker punched the guy in the throat and began beating the crap out of him while he had the chance. The turds girlfriend decided she didn't want to see daddy turd take a beating alone so she climbed on my coworkers back and tried to claw his eyes, he pulled her over the top and with on shot knocked the turdett out. The turd hasn't been seen around that circle K lately.

Daddy taught me to never hit a woman, but when she puts herself in the place of a man all bet's are off.:Shrug:

Personally, I'm not all that mean anymore.
I am only as tough as i have to be and just as loving as i am allowed.getting old.jpggetting old 2.jpg

Seems like everybody now days is just out to prove how bad their really not?
I'm not that tough either, I've had that job and i don't want it back, really overrated.

Wanna get rich?
Invent a a filter that attachés to a mouth at birth.
Make it a mandatory part of obamacare and i will be glad to pay my part.

Seems that to many turds grew up playing and watching teenage ninja turtles, playing hot shot videos and learning how to trash talk.

When i was growing up a talker was considered a wus and if you shot off your mouth someone was going to make you back it up.
The result was you minding your mouth.smiles- deer fighting.gif

Even when i entered the work force in the kind of industry's i worked in you were expected to fight someone when you were the new guy just to prove you had some sand in your craw. Quite often it was your foreman etc.

I didn't matter if you won or lost, only that you were willing to go to blows.
Often it wasn't even a serious fight, you both knew what was going down, Fightin words resulted in fightin, and wasn't going to talk about it or trade insults.
Otherwise no one wanted to be partnered with you because they could never be sure you had the sand to pull them out of a bad situation instead of saving your own sorry azz and knew you weren't going to be running your mouth all day.

Dont tell me it's wrong because i have seen co-workers save each others lives, and had to tell people to just shut the hell up!
Many folks came into the work force straight out of Nam and brought these traditions with them.

I'm not so sure that should have changed?
Years ago it would only cost me a hundred dollar fine for assault and battery and there really were a few who were worth it to me.

Now if you hurt someones wittle feewins or give them a paper cut they fire you and pussy boy starts a civil suit, when all the time it may have benefited him to learn how to work in a mans world and learn the value of placing trust in your co-worker?ThumbUp

I had a hard time time getting used to the Trash talk and B.S. that came along in the last of my working years and let folks know right up front i wouldn't tolerate it, Nor would i engage in it, I had very little trouble with it having done so.
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Three hit rule usually works...first-throat; second-nose; third(if necessary) usually fouls up reproductive process for a while.....
Three hit rule usually works...first-throat; second-nose; third(if necessary) usually fouls up reproductive process for a while.....

ThumbUp Thing I tell folks is I don't fight to loose, I'll kick, gouge, bite and punch any place I deem a soft target.
Won a few, lost a few, but, at 62 with arthritis in my fingers, wrists, and elbows, I sure don't want to try it again. Just wish we were allowed to carry up here in Canada.
This is actually an old video. I saw it for the first time a year or two ago, and that was before the music was added. The dialogue is comical, especially at the end where one of the girls in the back asks if she should call for the Po'leese and an Ambolance.
This is actually an old video. I saw it for the first time a year or two ago, and that was before the music was added. The dialogue is comical, especially at the end where one of the girls in the back asks if she should call for the Po'leese and an Ambolance.

make that a whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....mbulance!

Little shit sits down and blubbers afterward.:laugh: