Universal L.E.D. battery gauge

Where did you guys mount and where have you attached the electrical leads on the Kuryakyn Battery Gauge if you installed it on your GW1500? <a href="http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CWq13OVH-U4SUIOm5yQHd-IFAnKvVyQXUvN-xxAHE56no3QIIBBACKAVQvsjI3QdgyZb3jOSkrBOgAeyLs_kDyAEHqgQnT9CtOvcag8B42zVh-QnIos4Y_wZ5zPr2oQanBQ3nUcYKp_w_LxIHwAUFoAYmgAf888wGiAcBkAcCqAemvhvgEu-79qnd2fLzFA&sig=AOD64_3wOM0nmsh5vZQvY2J3UXsJsbszcw&ctype=5&rct=j&q=&ved=0CCkQvhc&adurl=http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/kuryakyn-led-12-volt-battery-gauge%3Futm_source%3Dproduct%26kwd%3D" target="_blank">Kuryakyn LED 12 Volt Battery Gauge</a><br />
Thanks, Hocky <img src="images/smilies/doorag smilie.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Doorag1" class="inlineimg" />
<a href="http://www.triketalk.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=22078&d=1409231097" title="Name: dash.jpg
Views: 32
Size: 103.7 KB">dash.jpg</a><br />
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That is what the KuryAkyn gauge looks like installed. I had the generator die on me about 50 miles from the installer who sold me the triked 97. He came right away with a new generator and had it installed in about 1/2 hour in a parking lot where I was stranded. (Thanks KD Cycles LLC!). I decided the voltmeter would be a good idea since the reg/rec seems to be integral to the generator and I want to know my battery is seeing enough voltage to charge while out on the highway. A good product and I like the colored LEDs as they are easy to keep an eye on at night.


  • dash.jpg
    103.7 KB · Views: 106
Noticed some mount them to the master cylinder, nice touch, where are the wires attached and to which leads? Thanks…..<img src="http://www.triketalk.com/forum/webkit-fake-url://341F0291-FAC1-4A9B-B621-F03CC74C129D/image.tiff" border="0" alt="" /><br />
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<font color="silver"><font size="1">- - - Updated - - -</font></font><br />
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Do you remember which wire leads you connected the gauge to?<br />
THX…….<img src="images/smilies/doorag smilie.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Doorag1" class="inlineimg" />
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<img src="images/misc/quote_icon.png" alt="Quote" /> Originally Posted by <strong>Hocky</strong>
<a href="showthread.php?p=247063#post247063" rel="nofollow"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/buttons/viewpost-right.png" alt="View Post" /></a>
<div class="message">Noticed some mount them to the master cylinder, nice touch, where are the wires attached and to which leads? Thanks…..<img src="http://www.triketalk.com/forum/webkit-fake-url://341F0291-FAC1-4A9B-B621-F03CC74C129D/image.tiff" border="0" alt="" /><br />
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<font color="silver"><font size="1">- - - Updated - - -</font></font><br />
<br />
Do you remember which wire leads you connected the gauge to?<br />
THX…….<img src="images/smilies/doorag smilie.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Doorag1" class="inlineimg" /></div>

</div>Note the big ugly cigarette lighter? That thing is wired directly to the battery so I tapped into the hotwire for it... Most any positive voltage will do except watch you don't tap one that goes through a bunch of switches and connectors as it may give you a bit of a low reading. Took about 1 minute to install.
The <font color="#000000">Kuryakyn Battery Gauge looks nice, especially in chrome! But I didn't have much of a place on my Valks for a gauge, so I went with the Signal Dynamics monitoring light. A single LED that changes color from red-amber-green indicating voltage. I've used two of them (on different bikes) and love the simplicity of installation.<br />
<br />
Whichever way you go, I really think a monitor is required on these new bikes with all the electronics.<br />
<br />
Pic & info from Amazon<br />
<br />
I bought the black one and put it on my dash just under the tach right down in the bottom left corner of the dash. It doesn't cover anything and looks good. I don't need to unplug it to remove the dash bezel. Each to his own but that is what works for me.
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<img src="images/misc/quote_icon.png" alt="Quote" /> Originally Posted by <strong>92fxsts</strong>
<a href="showthread.php?p=247175#post247175" rel="nofollow"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/buttons/viewpost-right.png" alt="View Post" /></a>
<div class="message">Your link doesn't work <img src="images/smilies/shrug.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Shrug" class="inlineimg" /></div>

</div>Yeah, I don't know why.... <img src="images/smilies/confused.gif" border="0" alt="" title="huh??" class="inlineimg" /><br />
<br />
But you can copy & paste it in your browser window.<br />
<br />
Try again? <br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Signal-Dynamics-Heads-Voltage-Monitor/dp/B00AC5J84M" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/Signal-Dynamic.../dp/B00AC5J84M</a>
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<div class="bbcode_postedby">
<img src="images/misc/quote_icon.png" alt="Quote" /> Originally Posted by <strong>keepinon</strong>
<a href="showthread.php?p=247178#post247178" rel="nofollow"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/buttons/viewpost-right.png" alt="View Post" /></a>
<div class="message">Yeah, I don't know why.... <img src="images/smilies/confused.gif" border="0" alt="" title="huh??" class="inlineimg" /><br />
<br />
But you can copy & paste it in your browser window.<br />
<br />
Try again? <br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Signal-Dynamics-Heads-Voltage-Monitor/dp/B00AC5J84M" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/Signal-Dynamic.../dp/B00AC5J84M</a></div>

</div>Thanks for the fix.<br />
I like that set-up, no worries where to put it.
Here's an interesting little gadget that displays time, temperature and system voltage - all digitally. I have 2 of them (one green, one blue backlight) - one on each trike.<br />
<br />
It's about $10 and arrives from China in approx 3 weeks. I got it specifically to monitor the system voltage, but the rest of the information is useful.<br />
<br />
It plugs into a std 12v outlet that is "hot" when ignition is on (or cut off the plug and wire it directly to a proper source). When the ignition key is off, the time (only) remains displayed via 2 button cells that last about a year.<br />
<br />
Click <b><a href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/360802037708?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&var=630190304762&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT" target="_blank">HERE</a> </b>
Where did you mount this (below) monitor? It is 3 3/4" wide X 2 1/8" high. Fairly big. There just isn't much room on the GW dash.

Would appreciate your comments or photo would be better.

Here's an interesting little gadget that displays time, temperature and system voltage - all digitally. I have 2 of them (one green, one blue backlight) - one on each trike.

It's about $10 and arrives from China in approx 3 weeks. I got it specifically to monitor the system voltage, but the rest of the information is useful.

It plugs into a std 12v outlet that is "hot" when ignition is on (or cut off the plug and wire it directly to a proper source). When the ignition key is off, the time (only) remains displayed via 2 button cells that last about a year.

Click HERE
Where did you mount this (below) monitor? It is 3 3/4" wide X 2 1/8" high. Fairly big. There just isn't much room on the GW dash.

Would appreciate your comments or photo would be better.

Here's "quick pic" from my phone. Base mounts with double stick tape (provided) and could probably be mounted elsewhere, but this works for me. Looks "big" in picture as it's closer to the camera - but in actuality, not all that bad...

It is a great idea, but it seems the gauge overwhelms the analog gauges. It would be really nice is it was just 50% smaller. There a couple listed for less than $7 that is 1" in diameter or the same price for a 1" wide rectangular gauge. Both are 100% waterproof.

Tomorrow when bike uncovered, will see which will fit better.

Thanks for the idea.
It is a great idea, but it seems the gauge overwhelms the analog gauges. It would be really nice is it was just 50% smaller. There a couple listed for less than $7 that is 1" in diameter or the same price for a 1" wide rectangular gauge. Both are 100% waterproof.

Tomorrow when bike uncovered, will see which will fit better.

Thanks for the idea.

Bill - are the smaller one's on an eBay listing? Have a link? Thanks...
I have this mounted on the right side under the right fairing pocket with velcro
tells me Voltage,outside temp and time.
hooked directly to battery.
Back lit. I think it was aprox $25.00
the brushes on the 1500 alternator stick at about
45,000 miles. Replace the brushes rather than the alternator.
the longer the wire from LED to voltage tap the more inaccurate your reading will be. Mine is off by about .5 volts. I also have a volt light. A friend was selling them.

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